"Don't worry," He grinned. "I'm here doing something for my father."

"Could I steal Luke for a moment?"

"I was hoping to have a minute with you alone as well," Jack said.

The smile on his face didn't fade. "Of course, I just need the moment with the man of the day."

The moment they were alone in Luke's room, Luke pressed his lips against Michael's.

"Why are you crying?" Michael whispered while kissing his lover's tear stained cheek.

"I'm happy. I missed you." Luke pressed their foreheads together. "What are you doing here?"

The last few months have been both a blessing and torture. As promised, Luke was allowed to visit the underworld once a month, and every now and then he received Michael's letter with a location under the sun where he would be.

Luke traveled for days, only to see his lover for a few hours.

They'd write to each other constantly and Luke saved all the letters.

"I came to give you your gift." Michael reached into his bag and pulled our scrolls, tied together with a ribbon.

Luke placed them on a table and undid the knot.

He gasped as he read the first few words.

"You wrote a book about our journey?"

"I wrote a book about you." Michael smiled. "Whenever I wanted to take notes, I mostly noticed what you were doing, when I wanted to write about our surroundings, I was observing how you were feeling that day."

Luke closed his eyes and smiled.

"I am also here for another reason," Michael said quietly.

"You're going that thing your father asked you to do, aren't you?"

Luke overheard Michael arguing with his parents. They wanted him to go on a road for months which meant they wouldn't see each other for a while.

"Yes, my father told his brothers about my books and they would like me to travel through Greece and write about the people and their relationship with the gods."

"They care about that?"

"I think they just want someone to write about how powerful they are."

Luke laughed.

"How long will you be gone?"

"Depends, first I need to find someone who is good with people. Someone who speaks and understands a lot of languages and someone who draws well."


"So, they can go with me."

Luke smiled. "I might know someone."

"Really?" Michael stepped closed.

"Mhm, but he won't do it for free."

"Won't my company be enough?"

Luke wanted to scream that yes, it would be anything he'd ever want.

"If you throw some kisses and things, maybe."

"And things?" Michael lifted his eyebrow.

Luke laughed before biting his lip. "But won't I be too much of a distraction?"

Michael shook his head. "When writing your book all I could think about was kissing you. Now I can kiss you and keep my mind clear."

"And your parents agree?"

"It was my mother who suggested it. And I know you have other plans for your life and-"

"Michael I planned to travel and draw and run away from my mother."

"So, you'll go?" Michael asked.

"Of course, I'll go." Luke took Michael's hands. "Only if you survive your talk with Jack."

Michael smiled. "I survived months of loving you but not being able to kiss you, I'm sure I can survive anything."




There will of course be an epilogue because there always is. (:

thoughts and comments?

Michael writing a book for/about Luke?

Luke and Michael going on another adventure together?

thank you for reading another one of my works. stay tuned for more stories.

Love, Lucija ♡

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