Broken heart (Vmon)(Non-idol)(NSFW)(Part 1)

Beginne am Anfang

That made Namjoon stop, he was the one wearing a panda hat, it had been a gift sent to his editor from a fan, and he loved it. So he always wore it, not caring how childish it was with its dangly hands, turning around he pointed towards himself confused "me?"

"Yes, you!" the voice that had yelled was closer by, as the person calling for him had run after him. The man was breathing hard, resting his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath again.

Namjoon's voice was gone, the man was... beautiful. There was no other way to say it. He didn't look anything like the people on the island, he was... way too beautiful. Not the kind of beauty that the island held, instead the rare kind only seen in movies.

"Uhm...I... Hello." Namjoon stammered, he couldn't remember the last time he talked to somebody outside of his editor and the two different baristas serving him coffee at the local coffee shop.

It wasn't as if anybody spoke to him.

A wide box grin was aimed towards him, as the man almost fell over his own words as he hurried to get them out "Will you let me paint you? I know that you don't know me and this is weird, but please I would love to paint you! I saw you at the coffee shop yesterday, and I couldn't get you out of my head! Normally if I can't get something out of my head, it helps for me to paint it, so please let me paint you!"

Namjoon almost couldn't keep up with every word out of the man's mouth, but that was okay, he tried to cover his mouth to hide the little smile spread on his lips, the man was cute "paint me?"

"Oh I should have started with that, I am Taehyung! Better known as the painter V!" He did a little wave, as he had finally caught his breath and was standing up normally "I swear I am not some creepy stalker, I just saw you, and sometimes I just can't get people out of my head. I can lie awake for days, until I paint them. I asked the locals if they knew where I could find you, but none of them really knew much about you, but one of the older men said he saw you walking here in the morning so I would try my luck!"

The smile that this man, Taehyung, sent Namjoon was almost blinding, but there was a pain in his eyes that Namjoon knew too well. It was the pain of not sleeping cause something had bit you and you couldn't let it go. It was an almost manic feeling. There was also barely hidden pain that Namjoon could not set a word to.

"I am Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." he managed to find his voice, this man made something inside of Namjoon move. Something he had never felt before "it's nice to meet you."

Taehyung grinned at him "you too! I know this is a little weird." he seemed a little shy "I know that I can come off hard, but I promise I am not some murderer."

That made Namjoon giggle "I didn't think you were a killer, I was just surprised, most people avoid me." he tried to keep the longing out of his voice.

"Why would they do that? You seem nice." he bit his lip, looking over Namjoon.'' Maybe they are just shy, you are very pretty."

Namjoon felt flabbergasted, he hadn't been called something like that for years. Again covering his smile with his hand, he tried to find his words. He couldn't believe that somebody as downright beautiful as Taehyung were saying such kind words about him.

If anybody was pretty, it was Taehyung.

Apparently he had said those words out loud without even wanting to, not realising it. Taehyung laughing "you are too kind! Does that mean that you would consider letting me paint you?"

Normally shy Namjoon would have said no as fast as humanly possible, the idea of somebody looking at him enough to paint him was scary, but something about Taehyung made him nod slowly "if you are sure you want to."

The Bottom Namjoon Collection!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt