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   The warm wind whipped around me as I inhaled from the cigarette. I had caved in. I couldn't help it. Dawn was still inside but honestly I didn't even think she had noticed me get up.

   I stood on the side of the building away from the front and for a moment I felt like I was hiding, like someone would come around any moment and catch me doing something I wasn't supposed to. Technically I was, but I was the only person who knew that.

   I inhaled deeply again, staring out at all cars in the parking lot. I could see mine amongst them- an old beat up Impala that used to be my brother's. I never saw him anymore. I smacked my lips together at the thought.

   "That's a bad habit."

   I whipped my head around only to see the guitarist from inside. He was pulling out a cigarette of his own and I raised an eyebrow. "I'm trying to quit." I said, although I really didn't owe him any sort of explanation.

   "I see." He had the cigarette between his smiling lips as he attempted to light it. The wind was making it almost impossible and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from letting out a laugh.

   I held my hand out to shield his cigarette from the wind so he could try to light it. As he did I noticed his cheeks go pink and I wondered if I had embarrassed him.

"Thanks..." His voice trailed off and I realized he was waiting for me to say my name. "Charlie." I said quickly to fill the silence. He raised his eyebrows the way everyone did whenever I said my name but he didn't say anything.

"It's a guys name, I know." I rolled my eyes but he just smiled, inhaling from his cigarette. "I think it goes either way. I like it." He assured me but I waved him off, hoping the conversation would change. I hated small talk.

We stood like that for a moment, both of us smoking from our cigarettes and not saying much of anything. I could feel his eyes dart over to me every so often and I finally turned to look at him again.

"What's your name?" I felt sort of stupid for not asking sooner. He chuckled and I was surprised by how soft it sounded.


"My roommate Dawn went to school with you. That's why we're here." I informed him and he nodded like he already knew. "I figured that was her out there." Jake was quiet for a moment before continuing, his voice low, "Hey, do you think I could buy you a drink?"

I drew back slightly, but tried to not read too much into it and just write it off as him being polite. "Yeah, sure." I agreed nonchalantly, "Dawn's inside if you'd like to buy her one too."

If there was one thing I was tonight, it was a damn good roommate. Jake gave me a look but I merely shrugged. "You're mean." He told me, a smile starting to tug at the corners of his lips.

I pretended to be offended, putting a hand to my heart. "I am not!" He poked softly at my cheek and drew back quickly, like his own actions had surprised him. "Sorry." He murmured and I couldn't help but grin.

He seemed a little nervous around me but I think I liked it. I poked him back on his bare chest which seemed to throw him off. "I'm going inside. It was nice meeting you."

He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something and I raised an eyebrow causing him to abruptly close it. I pointed at his cigarette. "That's a bad habit."

Jake grinned as he repeated my words back to me, "I'm trying to quit." I decided not to say anything else and to just leave it at that but as I rounded the corner, he called my name and I could hear his footsteps behind me.

"I followed you out here."

I glanced back at him.

"Shit, I didn't mean it like that. That sounded weird." His cheeks were turning pink again. "I just saw you in there with Dawn and I wanted to introduce myself."

I nodded and turned my head quickly so he couldn't see the smile forming on my lips. "You really should stop smoking." I said as I started walking again. "That's funny coming from you." Jake shot back and I could hear the grin in his voice.

He found himself amusing, I could tell. "So what? Are you gonna hold me accountable?" I asked as we reached the door. "If you do the same for me." He said, swatting my hand away so he could open the door for me.

The loud noise immediately hit me and I turned around to face him before my words got drowned out. "It's a deal." I held out my hand and he gave me a funny look before finally shaking it.

His hands were warm and he was looking at me intently. We stayed like that for a second longer than we should've and I silently cursed myself. He was cute and it was frustrating to me, but I knew I'd never admit it.

Honestly, I probably wouldn't see him again after this anyways. "You're good up there." I said quickly, "By the way." He gave me a sheepish grin, "Am I still buying you that drink?"

I caught sight of Dawn looking around the bar and a part of me felt bad. "That's okay," I said, "Those guys over there have us pretty much taken care of."

He leaned down to whisper in my ear, his face almost touching the side of mine. "You don't strike me as the type of girl who wants to be taken care of."

He straightened back up and I stood there, my face hot, unsure of what to say. "I'll see you." Jake grinned at me before walking away, quickly engulfed by the surrounding people.

God I needed a cigarette.

tongue tied - jake kiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now