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A/N: there has been some issues that made me change the story so sorry if some of you were expecting an update of the previous one.

(???? POV)

Death, you may have all heard of this concept many times in your life that had made countless philosophers to seek an answer for what comes after life when we die?

Many have tried to come up with an answer to this question yet none have any proof whether this is true or not.

In the Christian Religion there is heaven and hell where one is judge by the sins or good deeds and morals one has uphold one has committed over there entire life until there death.

The soul will either go to heaven living in eternal paradise or they will go to hell where they will spend eternal torment and damnation till the ends of time itself.

On other religion that has multiple gods or a pantheon like the Greek and Norse which is slightly similar to the Christian Religion in there version afterlife but the similarity ends there.

You either go through the same cycle of heaven and hell in the pantheistic religion own version, become a servant to the gods, or turn into food and toys for monsters.

In the Buddhist Religion you either reincarnate or ascend to a higher or lower realm or just in the same place as you have been born and died in.

Quite the confusing to take on face value but that how things work for that religion.

The Atheist however believe that there is litteraly nothing awaits in the material planes after dying, no heaven or hell, no afterlife, no torment or paradise awaits you, only an empty and silence endless void.

It is quite the dark, gloomy, and hopeless depiction on how they believe that is what we will face once we die.

But I think they are all up to something, since I am litteraly stuck in the void for many ages now.

You may be wondering how I ended up in the the middle of nowhere?

Well all I remember is litteraly dying after a robbery happened inside a mall and unfortunately I got killed during a crossfire.

Strays of bullets hitting my kidney, shoulder, and one of my lungs as I was covering my siblings from being hit.

Thats according to my last memories before I died from too much blood loss, with the horrified face of my sibling as my vision dissipated.

And after that I ended up here, the void the space between spaces, the boundary that separates reality from one another.

A place that holds no meaning or concept litteraly only nothing awaits you here aside from the random universe that I bump once in awhile.

After dying I seem to have remembered every memory I have even those I have lost or forgotten.

All the limits that my physical body had when I was alive were now gone and I now can fully remember and recall everything I have seen, heard, and experience in my entire life.

I don't know how long since I got stuck in the void but I could tell it was pretty long.

There is no meaning of time or space in the void, only an endless abyss with no end in sight.

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