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I thought you guys would be wondering about who plays who in my story so here are the names.

Emma Watson as Natalie Horan

Niall Horan as Niall Horan

Greg Horan as Greg Horan

Maura Gallagher (Niall's mom) as Maura Horan

Bobby Horan (Niall's Dad ) as Bobby Horan

Harry styles as Harry styles

Zayn malik as Zayn malik

Liam Payne as Liam Payne

Louis Tomlinson as Louis Tomlinson

Eleanor Calder as Eleanor Calder

Sophia smith as Sophia smith.

Selena Gomez as Ann Charlotte Peazer

Shraddha kapoor as Vidhi Patel

Paul Walker as Martin Green.

I'm done. I will be updating chapter 4 tonight. Its 7.20 pm here right now x Wait for me.



MIDNIGHT DREAMS {A Harry Styles fanfiction} (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora