Episode 32: Results after the Battle

Start from the beginning

Raynor inhaled deeply and exhaled. "Well, I guess all's well that end's well." He glances over to the medics and nods. The medics went over to check Theo's condition.

They took a stretcher and place him on it. I rush over to his side to unlock his visor since he probably needs fresh air.

Just then, Ruby and the others approached us. "Who are you people?" Says Weiss.

Raynor turned to face her and removed his visor. "You can ask your friend who collapsed over there when he wakes up. For now, let's get out of this place."

He places his arm in front of him and spoke. "Fenix? Yeah, everything's fine and good. How's it going at your end?"

And then, he started walking away. I stood up and followed after him, only to be held back by Ruby.

"Ummm..." She's staring at me with worried eyes while holding my arm. "Is Theo gonna be okay?"

"Don't worry. He just overexerted himself and passed out because of it. He'll wake up as soon as he gets his beauty sleep. More importantly, you should be worried about your sister." I started walking away after saying my piece.

"Yang..." Ruby mutters quietly.

* * *

A few hours later

I slowly rise from my bed. "Ugh...my head."

"Hey, you're finally awake."

It was Raynor wearing his casual clothing.

"How long was I out?"

"You were out for a total of 8 hours. You really pushed yourself this time haven't you?" He crossed his arms.

I chuckled weakly. "Well, yeah. What happened while I was out?"

He sighed. "The City is destroyed. The people only suffered minor casualties thanks to everyone's efforts. The officials have taken care of everything around the city ever since we left the place. And as for the rest, we'll explain on the meeting room. Fenix and the others are here, waiting for you. Including three people that are known as Qrow Branwen, Taiyang and Glynda Goodwitch."

"I see. Alright, I'll notify you once I'm ready." I stretch my body and yawn.

He smiled and stood up. "Alright. Call me when you need me." He says and then, he walks out of the room.

I scanned my body. I'm currently wearing my casual clothing. Looks like the medics changed my clothes huh?

I sigh. Guess I'll go grab some bite to eat." I say and then, my stomach growled.

I changed to my usual outfit. After I finish my business, I went out and head towards the cafeteria.

* * *

As soon as I arrive in the entrance, Ruby and the others are currently eating while scanning the place around them. Jaune, Pyrrah and the others are watching the news from the tv above the bartender.

Lupin noticed me and raised his hand to greet me with food on his mouth.

He gulped it down on one go and called for me. "Hey. Looks like you're finally awake."

Ruby and the rest of the gang shifted their attention towards me.

I grab a tray and fill it with food and a glass of water. After that, I approach them and sit right in front of Lupin.

"Phew. Better work on that one. Wouldn't want to pass out all the time just because I'm tired as heck." I said.

"Theo!" Ruby exclaimed. "Is it true that you were fighting alongside aliens together with Lupin!?"

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