Episode 20: The Dark Templar

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We were currently inside a shuttle, heading towards the entrance of a building where a beacon lies in waiting.

Artanis remained in the base for now since I was there to escort Tassadar to safety, accompanied by two Zealots. Lupin remained together with him just in case Duke's forces attacked once again.

Raynor was out, scouting for any incoming hostile forces so, he wasn't really present in our fight against Duke's forces.

* * *

I was watching the surrounding area from the Shuttle's window, alone.

I sighed. "I kinda miss everyone."

Tassadar approached me from behind. "Is this what you humans call...homesickness?"

I faintly smiled. "Yeah."

It's been a few days ever since our disappearance in Remnant. I kinda miss my days as a huntsmen. And I also miss everyone back home.

And also, I still need to find the person responsible for our suffering. It's the reason why I've been so desperate so far until now.

I faintly touch the area where Lupin stabbed me back then since it was throbbing. I faintly smiled and thought.

That actually happened huh?

I shook my head and turn around. "Anyway, are we there yet?" I said, breaking out of my reminiscent state.

He nodded. "Theo, I sense that Zeratul and his brethren are close by. But I haven't been able to make contact with them, I fear they may be in grave danger. We must scour this area immediately and find the Dark Templar, lest they be overcome by the Zerg."

I clenched my fist and responded. "Understood."

* * *

We landed on the ground and went inside a huge building.

Two Zealots were with us as Tassadar's escorts and me for personal reasons. The place was really huge and dark.

There's a sign of conflict in this area. There's a bunch of Terran and Zerg corpses everywhere. Mainly marines and zerglings.

"So, this must be a Terran facility huh? No wonder why that General showed up. Something must be at work here." I said as I scan our surroundings.

Tassadar was silent all the time. He must be concerned for Zeratul.

As soon as the gates opened, we saw a few marines resting at the sidelines

Looks like they just fought off Zerg forces in this facility.

And then, the marines approached us. Tassadar was silently standing as Zealots covered for him.

I was waiting for them to make their first move. Preparing myself if a fight were to break out right here and now.

A single soldier approached us and spoke. "Mind if we tag along?"

I was surprised and speechless. Tassadar nodded and responded. "Of course."

The Zealots lowered their gauntlets and eased up.

I asked Tassadar for confirmation. "Are you sure?"

And then, the marines approached us. "Hey kid. No need to worry about us. We've been long abandoned in this god forsaken place. We ain't gonna do something stupid when these blasted Zergs are doing what they want."

I faintly sighed. "Alright." Well, the more the merrier. I thought.

And then, a single marine suddenly shouted. "Watch out!"

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