Chapter 5- Hunted

Start from the beginning


"I think you've done enough, Ben. I'll handle this," Max said. "Ok. Guess Paige and I'll just check this place out," Ben said as he took my hand. "Talk about old school. Look at all this junk," "Ben, Paige!" Guys!" We could hear Gwen in the distance. Ben smiled pulled me aside and activated the watch. "Calling all dweebs!" Gwen said, trying to get Ben's attention.


"What's the matter, Gwen? You look like you've seen a ghost. Freak," Ben said in his alien form Ghostfreak. I came to stand beside him. "Get over yourself, doofus. You don't scare me,' Gwen said, unimpressed. All of the sudden, the ground started to shake and crumble. Ben moved Gwen and I out of the way. Then we saw a giant metal crab in front of us. "But he does!" Gwen and I said in unison.


"No problem. I'll handle this guy," Ben said as he went to confront the villain. "Oh, man. You put the "ug" in ugly," Ben taunted. I giggled at that, he always knows how to make me laugh. "Hand over the Omnitrix and I promise you won't suffer... much," The metal crab threatened. "Dream on, claw boy. What's he talking about, princess?" Ben asked me. Before I could say anything, Gwen answered me. "Duh! Why else would some alien track you down? It wants the watch, Einstein," Gwen said, kind of snotty.


"You don't have to get snotty about it, Miss Know-it-all. I was asking Paige by the way. Sorry, crabby, the watch and I are kind of...attached," Ben said. "Not for long," the crab alien threatened. "You have no idea who you're messing with," Ben said. "I was just about to say the same thing," the alien said. "Oh, yeah? Do you know this one? Now you see me, now you don't," Ben said as he dissapeared.


Gwen grabbed my arm and we went somewhere to hide. "You're as arrogant as you are dimwitted," I heard the alien say. "What happened?" Ben asked, confused. "Your protoplasm is now solidified... making it easier to do this!" I heard the alien say. Then I heard a thud and I knew Ben had been hit. I ran over to Ben and held him, checking for any injuries.


"Oh, man. Who is this guy?" Ben asked, confused. "Remember when I said I wanted to be there when you finally got your butt kicked? I take it WAY back," Gwen said. "You're the super guy. Do something!" She urged Ben. "You better keep your claws to yourself," Ben told the alien. The alien shot out a ray of something at Ben. He was blown back. "Hardly worth the hunt,"


"Ben, give him a lift!" Gwen said, indicating the level close to him. He pulled the lever and the alien was lifted up to the ceiling and flattened. "Ben, are you ok?" I asked, concerned about my boyfriend. "Oh, man. That was even weirder than when I normally go Ghostfreak," He said. "Come on. Let's get out of here before crabcake wakes up," Gwen said. I took Ben's hand as we got out of there.


"What happened?" Max asked as he saw us. "You know, the usual. Some jumbo-sized crustacean burst out of the ground and attacked Ben. It said it wanted the watch... only it kept calling it the Omnitrix," Gwen explained, confused. "Just let me go Four Arms and I'll turn him into a seafood special, "No time. Repairs are done. We're out of here," Max said. "But grandpa..." Ben tried to change his mind.


We got in the Rust Bucket and tried to put as much distance between us and the alien as possible. "No sign of crab guy yet," Gwen said just as freaked out as I was. "Well, he better not show up if he knows what's good for him," Ben said, confidence in his voice. We heard a thud on the roof. Then, what looked like a saw; was cutting the roof. "I think we just picked up a hitchhiker!" Gwen exclaimed.

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