(1) What's up Freak?

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                                                                      (1) What's up Freak?

 I nearly doubled over in hysterical laughter if it wasn't for the fact I was impressed out of my wits. Her best friend lived in a castle- no a palace. One that was probably bigger then my old town by itself.

 "Welcome Darlings!" A plastic, computer generated woman came out of the two humongous doors and kissed both of my cheeks, and then my Mother's. "It's been so long Maggie!" she said, her tone full of class.

 I let a bitter laugh escape my lips as I cocked my head to the side, studying the woman. So this was my mom's best friend? Seems like more of a plastic Barbie to me. My lips curled into a smirk as the woman smiled widely, and took both of our hands.

"My names Roxanna." I smiled softly, a bit timid around new people. "But you can call me Roxy. It suits me better."

 The woman chuckled, pulling us inside the palace and sitting us on a large couch. I ran my hand over it, smiling at the softness and fluffiness at the beige surface of it all.

"Looks like you haven't felt a couch you're entire life." a deep voice scoffed, making my head jolt up to meet his eyes.

I growled, looking into his dull grey eyes. “Sound like you haven’t made a friend in yours.” I said furiously. The boy raised an eyebrow, looking from Barbie to my Mother and then back to me.

“So you’re the charity case we took in. House infested with roaches was it?” he chuckled, earning a glare from all the women in the room. The boy put his hands up, still laughing at his own joke. “Alright, Alright. I’m Lucas.”

“Roxy.” I mumbled, my hands pulling on my sweatshirt, which I had pulled back on during the plane ride so I could lose the stares at my cuts. I'd rather not have to talk to this jerk. He was just as I predicted. An ass.

 "Here, I'll show you to your rooms." Barbie said suddenly, changing the subject. I let her pull on my arm as she showed  us around the palace. The kitchen, the den, the master bedroom, the bathrooms, the dining room, the music room, the loft, and the rest of the huge house. "And here's your room Roxy." she squealed.

 I peaked inside slowly, my eyes trailing across the black and pink room. Lace and death mixed together? A long sigh escaped my lips as I smiled weakly.

"It's beautiful." I exaggerated, before Barbie and my Mother had ran down the hallway. And with that, I flopped onto my bed, curling up on top of the covers and getting mentally ready for hell.


"Roxy, you're going to be late!~" my mother screamed, foots pounding down the hallway.

I yawned quietly, stretching my arms and sitting up. My eyes were drowsy, and my legs were numb. Had I really not get enough sleep last night? Slowly, I slipped off my clothes, picking at my backpack filled with old clothes I wore in our last town. Skinny jeans, and a band tee. My usual and most used choice of clothes I could wear.

"ROXY!" I winced slightly, pulling my black converse over my feet and running downstairs, worn-out backpack over my shoulder.

Quietly, I grabbed a piece of toast from the enormous table and ran outside, down towards where my Mom's rented car was.

"Mom. I'm taking the car!" I shouted, before pulling out of the driveway so quickly, I had forgotten to ask where my new school was. With that in mind, I pulled back into the driveway and ran back inside.



The school bell echoed in my ear as I stood in utter awe in front of the school. If Jerkface's house was a palace, this was a kingdom.

"What's up freak?" a shirll voice squeaked, fake and  dying-cat like laughes bellowing from a bunch of plastics.

"What's up Barbie?" I mimicked her voice, rolling my eyes at her stupidity. Two could play at this game.

The plastics let out a long 'hmph' and walked away, teetering on their heels. What bitches, I thought to myself before finally walking inside the school.

The halls were lined with orange, blue and white bricks. Billboards, posters, and lockers filled the hallways. And to find a way to the office, seemed a lot harder then it had once sounded. What if I couldn't make it there in time? Or by the time I got there, school was over? A deep sigh escaped my lips as I slowly made my way down the hall.

It didn't take as long as I had expected to find the office. But what was inside it, was what made me more surprised. The secretary was an old lady. Not a young, slutty woman who seduced the boys. But a humble, quiet old lady, with a smug look on  her face.

"Welcome. How may I help you?" she said, her wrinkles moving into a smile.

"I'm a new student here. Roxanna Jones." I said quietly, shifting my weight from foot to foot nervously.

"Of course..." she trailed off, before digging through a large cabinet full of files. "Ah! Here you are." she mumbled, pushing up her glasses on her nose. "Here's your schedule, and your locker number. And I suppose you want a map of the school?" she chuckled, handing me the package.

A small chuckle pulled at my face as I accepted the package in my hands. "Thanks." I mumbled, managing to smile softly before turning on my heel and out the office doors.

A long ring, much similar to the one I had heard earlier filled the hallways and students crowded their way out of their classes and onto their next ones. Chatter built up as silence seemed like a thing of the past. Silently, I squeezed my way past the short freshmen and the semi-taller sophomores that were eager for their next class.

"Hey freak." a deep, recognizable voice said. Luke.

Slowly, I turned around. The hallways were almost empty now, except for me and the obvious jocks in front of me.

"Hey peanut brain." I mimicked his voice, much like I had earlier to the plastics.

Luke seemed to snarl in response, his friends hiding their laughter. It wasn't that funny. If anything, this was almost dead serious.

"You're new here, so we have to give you the Halo's ritual for new students." he smirked, sending a shiver down my spine. This couldn't be good.


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