Part 69

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It has been a couple of days since Haruto and Asahi left for Japan. But everyone is acting the same. Like they're not even phased by Haruto and Asahi's departure. Heck, even Jaehyuk doesn't seem like he's affected by it.

Junkyu hasn't been able to contact Haruto either. He hasn't responded to his social media messages and he doesn't know his Japanese number. Junkyu tried asking the rest of the Japanese boys for his contact details but they refused to tell him. They said that Haruto's phone is constantly monitored in Japan and that it's best if he didn't try to contact him.

Junkyu has gone back to being depressed and lifeless. The boys would often try to distract him by inviting him out but Junkyu rarely accepts. The only time he would go out with them is when Jihoon would force him. Even still, there are times where Jihoon's tough love wouldn't work on him.

He has gotten very reliant on Haruto. He can see traces of him everywhere. Now that he's gone he feels very empty.

"Kyu, how long are you going to do this to yourself?"

"What are you talking about Jihoon?"

"Ever since he left you've been mopping around. Locking yourself in your room. Barely talking. You're even worse than the time you were depressed because of your kidnapping."

Junkyu just turned away and said nothing.

Seeing as Junkyu still refuses to say a word, Jihoon decided to be frank. "Junkyu you knew he had to leave sooner or later."

"I know," Junkyu mumbled. "But I thought we'd still keep in touch."

After a few moments of silence, Jihoon finally confessed. "I asked him not to contact you."

"What?" Junkyu looked at Jihoon in disbelief.

"I told him to not contact you so you both don't get hung up on eachother."

"Why would you do that!?" Junkyu raised his voice in frustration.

"Because you'll only be holding each other back." Jihoon explained. "Junkyu, if Haruto stays in contact with you, your attachment to him won't fade. You'll end up longing for him more and maybe you'd even plan your future around him."

"That's not true."

"Don't lie to me, I sit next to you in all of our classes together. I see you searching up jobs and standard of living in Japan."

Junkyu looked away in guilt.

"Junkyu... Haruto may have been free when he was in Korea, but in Japan he has responsibilities. Even if you move there, at most you'll probably only see him once a month."

"On top of that, people will use you to bring Haruto down."

"So for your sake and his, please do your best to move on."

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