Part 4

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BANG KIM & PARK YOON (The Korean Group Chat)

Ji: ☺️

Ji: Hello, everybody, I hope you guys have a great day! 😊

Jae: ?

Yedam: What's with Ji?

Woo: Yeah, what's with him?

Woo: He's kind of creeping me out.

Kyu: We got partnered up for our last group project this sem.

Yedam: And?

Kyu: He got partnered with Hyunsuk.

Jae: Wait what?

Jae: Hyunsuk?

Jae: THE Hyunsuk?

Kyu: Yes. Choi Hyunsuk.


Doyoung: Hyunsuk gave him his number too. He asked him out to dinner tomorrow night to discuss a draft plan.


Jae: You lucky son of a bish

Woo: But wait, isn't tomorrow Yedam's gig at the pub?

Ji: Oh crap. I completely forgot about that.

Ji: I'm sorry Dammie.

Yedam: It's fine. I understand.

Yedam: I'm canceling my performance. Bring me to dinner with him.

Doyoung: Don't even try.

Doyoung: This selfish bish.

Doyoung: I already asked him to bring us, but he wouldn't.


Yedam: I can see what our friendship amounts to.

Yedam: I'm declaring a cold war against Jihoon.

Jae: Same

Woo: I really don't see what you guys see in him.

Woo: He's not even good looking.

Yedam: Someone take Woo to an optometrist because bish is surely blind.

Ji: Not only is he handsome. He's rich, smart and hella nice.

Doyoung: He's our university's prince for a reason.

Yedam: I agree.

Woo: He's practically a midget though.

Woo: You guys are only attracted to him because of his background.

Jae: So what if we are?

Jae: He's the heir to the biggest colmograte in Korea.

Jae: His family owns half of Seoul.

Jae: Even if he looks ugly I'd still date him.

Woo: You're such a gold digger.

Jae: Psh you're just jealous of him.

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