Part 51

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The following morning, Mr & Mrs Kim, Junkyu, and Haruto all sat around the dining table to discuss what they're supposed to do.

The atmosphere was tense and no one was speaking.

Haruto decided to break the ice by just going straight to the point. "I know I may be an outsider, but I'm concerned for everyone's safety."

"Yesterday, I hired some bodyguards for all of you. They're guarding outside as we speak." Haruto declared. "But this is just a temporary fix."

"Mrs Kim, forgive me for prying but I need to know exactly what Mr Cho wants from Junkyu."

Mrs Kim looked at Haruto hesitantly. Seeing her reluctance, Haruto decided to add, "Mrs Kim, I know this is your family matters, but right now all of your safety is compromised. Just think of me as your head of security. I need to know exactly what this man wants and how far he will go so I can protect you all better. "

"He wants to take Junkyu and make him his successor." Mrs Kim eventually caved in. As much as she wanted to keep this skeleton in her closet and not involve Haruto, she knows she doesn't have the power to keep Junkyu safe from that man.

"But that's not how a mob organisation works. There's no line of succession." Haruto frowned.

"I don't know either." Mrs Kim sighed. "He just said he wants Junkyu to take over his business."

"Do you happen to know how big his organisation is?" Haruto asked.

"All I know is that they're one of the biggest gangs in Chungju."

"Is that the city next to Jecheon?"

"Yes," Mrs Kim confirmed.

"Do you know if he has any influence in other cities?"

Mrs Kim shook her head. "Not that I know of."

"If you were to put it into percentage, how big was his control over Chungju?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't had contact with him since I got pregnant with Junkyu. I only found out that he now runs one of the biggest organisations in the area because of my friend who still lives there."

"Okay let's assume he has the biggest mob in Chungju," Haruto started analysing the situation. "It shouldn't be too much of a threat. Because the Seoul mob organisations shouldn't let him mobilise large numbers of his men in their city."

"But he could still send a handful of men to try and get Junkyu or any of you." Haruto looked over Junkyu and His parents. They were timidly listening to him. "I already hired someone to investigate Mr Cho and his gang. Once we know exactly what we're up against. We can act accordingly."

"The bodyguards I hired will secretly follow you whenever you leave the house. You shouldn't notice their presence at all." Haruto paused. "But I'd also like to station one of them to stay in your house at all times. Just in case they try to break at night or while you guys are not home."

"Ruto, that's a bit excessive don't you think?" Junkyu asked.

"Not at all. We don't know how far this man is willing to go to get you. I'd rather be safe than sorry." Haruto firmly responded.

At this, Mr and Mrs Kim agreed. They don't even want to risk Junkyu's safety.

"Your other option is to temporarily move into our neighbourhood." Haruto suggested. To be really honest he prefers this option. "This would be the safest option because we're in a gated community."

"Ruto... We don't have money to buy a house in your neighbourhood," Junkyu awkwardly reminded him.

"You don't have to. I have a small house on the next street. You guys can just stay there for a while."

Junkyu and his parents looked at eachother.

"I know this is too much to process. And you may think that it's a little excessive, but these are necessary precautions to ensure your safety."

"I'll leave you guys to decide on what you want to do next." Haruto said as he stood up. "Junkyu, let me borrow your room. I need to make calls."


The dining table was quiet. The atmosphere was gloomy.

"What should we do?" Junkyu's question broke the silence.

Mr and Mrs Kim didn't know what to say or do for that matter. There was a pregnant silence.

"Mom?" Junkyu looked at Mrs Kim who was just looking down and depressed.

Seeing that his mom won't be speaking any time soon, Junkyu turned to look at his Mr Kim. "Dad?"

Hearing this, Mr Kim finally looked at Junkyu. "I thought I wouldn't hear you call me dad again." Mr Kim said with a shaky voice. His eyes started tearing up. "I thought you'd hate me forever."

Seeing Mr Kim's reaction, Junkyu started to feel guilty. Last night, all he was thinking about was how Mr Kim didn't really love him and only took care of him out of obligation. He even thought that Mr Kim was pretentious. "Dad..."

"Oh Junkyu!" Mr Kim stood up and pulled Junkyu in his arms. "That's right. I'm your dad. I'll always be your dad." Mr Kim was hugging Junkyu tightly as if afraid he'll lose him. "And you'll always be my son."

Mrs Kim who got teary watching the father and son, also stood up and joined them in their hug.

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