Part 59

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*A day before Haruto goes to the event*

Haruto and Junkyu just finished their classes and were driving home.

"Remember I can't drive you tomorrow."

"Oh right."

"So you gotta wake up on your own."

Junkyu. "I know."

"Your bodyguard won't be following you from afar tomorrow. He will openly escort you this time. I already got the Dean's permission. He can even sit with you in class." Haruto continued. "Don't stray away from him okay?"

"Ruto, that's a bit of an over kill don't you think? You don't even go with me to class." Junkyu argued. "Can't he just tail me from afar like always?"

"It's best if he sticks with you. It's making me anxious knowing that I won't be there if something does happen." Haruto explained his worries. "Especially since that man came to uni just last week."

"Ruto, I'll be fine. Yedam and Doyoung will be with me in class."

"Fine. But he'll still be driving you and tailing you while in uni."

"Yes dad," Junkyu jokingly responded. He could tell that Haruto was in fact very worried about him, but he really doesnt think there was anything to worry about. There's so many people in uni. That man shouldn't be so stupid as to make a move there. "Seriously, I'll be fine Ruto."

"You better be." Haruto muttered under his breath.

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