Part 11

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BANG KIM & PARK YOON (The Korean Group Chat)

Kyu: It looks like Ji won't be single for much longer.

Jae: I know.

Jae: It pissess me off.

Jae: He must have saved the entire galaxy in his past life to get this kind of luck.

Ji: Don't talk nonsense, he's only driving me home because I have no ride.

Doyoung: Then why doesn't he drive me home too? I don't have a ride home too.

Ji: You live in the opposite direction.

Woo: What about Junkyu then? He lives close to you.

Woo: Why didn't he get a lift?

Ji: He offered to drop Kyu off too. But Kyu refused.

Kyu: Yeah, cuz I don't want to be a third wheel.

Ji: What third wheel? Nothing is going on between us.

Kyu: Yet

Ji: Btw you were really good today dammie!

Ji: I'm proud of you!

Yedam: Wow way to change the topic.

Kyu: He didn't deny it either 🤭

Ji: Anyway, Hyunsuk said if you ever want to pursue music, he can get you in their label.

Yedam: Holy crap seriously!?!?!

Ji: Yeah, that's what he said.



Woo: Are you sure about this Dam?

Woo: Why don't you think about it some more?

Woo: What if his label screws you over?

Yedam: It's Hyunsuk!

Yedam: I don't mind if he screws me over!

Yedam: That came out wrong, but you know what I mean.

Yedam: Woo, I know you're looking out for me. I'll be extra cautious, I promise.

Yedam: It's just that getting an audition in their label is even harder than getting into Seoul University.

Yedam: Debuting in their label is guaranteed success.

Yedam: I'll do anything as long as they give me a shot in making my dreams come true.

Woo: Just be careful

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