Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Sorin's tongue ran across his teeth. He glanced down at his hand, shifting in his seat. Then, he grabbed a bag of money and threw it in the middle. "I raised 1,000."

Ace smirked and threw more coins in. "I call." Sorin slammed down four fives and a King, a cocky smile on his face.

"Well, it was nice gambling with you, Ace," he sighed, "but I'm just too good. But hey, make sure to call me next time you want to lose!" Ace continued smiling, looking down.

"Oh, not so fast," she said, slowly setting down a ten, jack, king, queen, and ace of diamonds. A royal flush. Sorin's mouth fell open slowly as the realization set in. "I win."

Carter, Sophie, and Rafe went ballistic, cheering, and laughing. Even as Ace pulled her 4,000 dollars, two flasks, acorns, and other various nuts, I saw her crack a genuine smile. She tried to hide it, but couldn't.

The others were still ecstatic, taunting Sorin who was still in shock. Finally, he let out a breath that vaguely resembled a laugh.

"Damn, okay." He stuck his hand out for Ace. "Good game, nerd."

Ace was still smiling. She took his hand and shook it. "You too, soldier."

Later that night, we were by the fire, trying to keep warm. We had all gone around asking questions like what we will do with the money I promised and what our favorite dish or drink was. Eventually, it was Carter's turn. He asked,

"What's one thing you wish you could have more than anything in the world?" A silence fell over all of us, blanketed us. Carter added quietly, "And you have to be truthful."

He looked to Ace who was on his left. She licked her lips and reluctantly said, "To find my family." She quickly looked at Sophie who was next to her. After a moment, Sophie whispered,

"To feel safe." Rafe looked up suddenly, but she'd never known as she kept her gaze to the ground before her. Sorin was next. He said,

"To see my brother again." A muscle in his jaw ticked. My brows narrowed as I looked down at the ground.

"Well, hell, I wish for another blanket," Rafe said, laughing. When no one else laughed, Rafe swallowed hard. He bit his inner cheek. "Um, I- I wish to have a family. An...and not like kids, but like, a mom and dad or even the crazy, drunk uncle and fun aunt. Or the grandma who bakes or the loving grandpa. Just, anyone to protect me and love me unconditionally..." he glanced up to Sophie again and this last part, I swear he said to her, "through my faults and stupid, stupid mistakes." Conflicted was how I'd describe Sophie's face at that moment before she inhaled and turned away. I swear I saw her wipe her nose though.

Now it was my turn. I felt everyone's eyes, felt their stares. For a moment, I thought about speaking the truth but my mouth wouldn't let me. You'll get hurt, my mind seemed to tell me, but I don't know why I listened to it. Because, truthfully, if I was to pick any group of people to be with, it would be these five.

"Power," I said instead. "To make my name feared and my pockets full." Sorin's eyes met mine for a moment, and I knew he knew I was lying. I looked away.

Freedom, I meant to say. I want to be free- to not be owned by anyone or told what to do with my life. I want to be free of Ravaryn and the invisible bond that tied me there.

"Carter?" Sophie asked. He was the last one to go.

He smiled weakly, but I could tell it wasn't without struggle. "To make my father proud of his son." After another weak smile, we all fell silent and soaked in each other's words.

We soon fell asleep under the stars, the snow clinging to our bodies like children to their mothers and the dying fire doing minimal to warm us up.

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