Part 19: Back to bed

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We all look around the table, digesting this news.
"This is great", Clint says eventually. "So we can finally ban these monsters from earth."
"And maybe stop them attacking other planets as well", Steve adds.
"When do you want us in the control room, Tony?", Bruce asks. "Right after breakfast?"
Tony shakes his head and swallows a bite of mashed potatoes. "I don't know if I can deciffer the alien langue tonight. I will call you some time into the day, I think." A small pause occurs while Tony hesitates. "Did ... Loki say something about the party?", he asks me carefully.
"Oh", I say surprised. "No, actually."
"Okay." Tony nods. "I think ... well let's just wait. You, uhm, you can go to look for him or whatever."
"Okay", I reply. I am still not sure about Tony, but one thing is for certain: Someone is fighting with an ego that is as big as Avengers Tower.
I get up and leave. When everybody else is eating and the chance to meet someone on the way with Loki to his room is low, he will come with me more likely. Hopefully.
I switch on the light on my way and open the door to the medical room.
"Hi", I say and look at Loki.
"Hi", he replies dismally. He lays in bed and has a tray on his lap with today's dinner.
"Bruce told me something", I begin.
"Did he tell you about how they found a way to exclude me from everything despite the things that happened?", Loki asks and picks at the food with his fork.
"Actually, no. He allowed me to help you back into your room so you don't have to sleep in here."
Loki lifts his head. "Oh." He thinks for a second. "Well, I am done anyway ..." He shoves the tray carelessly onto the nightstand and stops again.
"I can help you to walk over", I offer.
"(Y/n), I appreciate the effort, but it is simply beneath my dignity to let a mortal help me walk to my bed."
I cross my arms. "Well then how do you plan to get there?"
He frowns.
I smirk. "I could carry you on my back."
Loki looks up at me. "No. That is a very bad idea."

A minute later we hurry through the hallways with Loki hissing commands into my ear.
"No, stop going so fast. No, go faster! They shouldn't see us from the kitchen! Watch ou- ow!"
"Stop complaining!", I whisper back and grab his legs tighter. "You are very heavy."
"Did you just call me fat?"
"No, but your armour is made out of leather and metal -"
"Psht! They could hear us!"
"Oh Loki, for gods sake." He insisted on going through dark hallways so nobody could see us, and now he is bumping his head or other body parts on hard edges. And he is pretty heavy. The only good thing about this are his lips so close to my ear and his breath on my neck. "Asgardians", I mutter.
"You know I can hear you, right? I am very close to your mouth." He pokes me in the sides one time.
I flinch. "Loki! Stop tickling me!"
He chuckles into my ear.
I curse and blow a strand of hair out of my face while I stagger to Loki's room. Out of breath I open the door and close it behind us, then I rush to the bed and let us topple onto the mattress. We are both giggling and rolling around, even if Loki's laugh is interrupted by a few 'ouch's.
"We did it!", I snicker. "We did it! Wait until I tell Thor."
Loki immediatly wraps his arms around me and holds me immovable, pointing a finger at me. "If you tell Thor even the tiniest bit of that story -"
"Relax, it was a joke", I laugh. "I would never."
"Good", he says, eyes shimmering mischievously. "Because if you do I can't guarantee for anything."
I stretch my tongue out. "God of jokes but can't take a joke, huh?"
And I already have a pillow thrown into my face.
I laugh and we get into a pillow fight that ends up with us being entangled in the blankets. I switch the light on his nightstand on to detangle us. We seperate our limbs and lay down, Loki breathing heavily.
"Oh, no! Loki, we shouldn't have done that. I forgot you are ill!", I realise alarmed.
He snickers. "It's okay. Really, tomorrow I will be in full health again."
I hesitate. "You sure?"
"Yes. I am a god, we heal much faster than humans. Especially with that good medical treatment of Bruce. And you of course." He shows me his arms.
I smile. "My pleasure."
His glance wanders to me and lands on the hairbrush I put on his nightstand a few days before. I notice that a few hairs in my hair colour stick out of it.
"Uhm", I say and my face feels hot. "How about we switch out the light? We still have our magic."
Loki scratches his head. "Despite my protest about the magic prohibiton it is probably smarter to not use it today. And your magic would only burn -" His glance lands on the ceiling. "What is that."
I look up and see the black spot from my training on the white paint. Oh oh.
"(Y/n), why do I have a burned spot on my ceiling?"
"Uhm", I say and decide I can't come up with a good lie that quickly. "You see, it was like this ..." And I tell the story behind the scorch on the ceiling.
By the end, he is laughing loudly. "You did what? Really, that is hilarious. But ..." His eyes glow mischivously again. "You came to my room to train? And you slept in it?"
"No! No, only training -"
"Liaaar", he grins. "I am the god of lies, don't forget that. Did you enjoy it? Did it make you feel good to sleep in my bed?"
"No, no", I deny and hide my face in my hands, turning away from him, torn between laughing and sinking into embarassment. "I don't -"
"Hm, do you think I am attractive?" I feel Loki's hands crawling over my waist, sneaking around my hips in a hug. "Do you find me cute, (y/n)?"
"No", I deny weakly with a very high voice.
"Take your hands off your face so I can see the red colour", he murmurs into my ear.
I squeak and he chuckles. I have the feeling that if I wanted to make my denying believable, I would have to shoo him off me. But I don't have the strength, it just feels too good.
After a few moments he sighs and turns away, laying down on his back. "It is so much fun to mess with you."
I also turn around and take my hands off my face, but I keep my eyes closed. I snicker defeated. "You are a damn tease, Loki."
He grins. "I know."

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