Part 10: Pineapple and fireworks

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Thor leaves, and through the afternoon Loki and I train some more. We work on the magic balls to make them more precise and stronger, and we train with my net. Slowly, I learn to shape it and in the end, I succeed in trapping Loki. Well, just for a few seconds. But I see it as a success.

One hour before dinner, the others join us at Gym 2 and show their strategy against the monsters. Steve and Natasha have worked on their choreography when hitting the monsters with the shield and her knife. It looks more elegant now and involves jumping up from each others shoulders. Thor and Bruce have worked on distracting the monsters first with lightning and hitting them hard after that, similiar to mine and Loki's idea. Clint and Tony don't really have a new strategy, Clint just shows us a few modified arrows and Tony explains some technical adjustments on his suit. At last, I and Loki show off my magic balls and the net, and Loki's trick with sliding under the monster and stabbing it from below.
When we are finished, there is still the quarter of an hour left to dinner. Thor disappears into the kitchen to make the dessert, and I get an idea and follow him.
"Hi", I greet him happily.
He smiles while putting on his apron. "Hi. I am going to make the dessert. Do you want to help? I mean, I would be glad about it, I just thought you were tired maybe."
"I am tired", I admit. "But I also want to help. So, what do we do first?"
We make the chocolate pudding. I ask him if we always eat that, but he says he just bought too much of it on the latest shopping trip. I have a hard time imagining him with a shopping cart looking for the pudding.
When we are almost finished, I ask him. "Do you know what is Loki's favourite fruit? He has been very ... trusting to me today, so ..."
"Oh", Thor says and looks genuinely happy about that. "It's pineapple! I think we have one in the fridge over there."
I smile at him and get the pineapple. I cut it into little cubes and put them into the bowls, making sure Loki has his own, then Thor pours the chocolate pudding over it.
Then it is time for dinner. We go back to the others, sit down and eat. It tastes as great as at the first evening. When we are done, I go to get the pudding, but I turn around with the bowls in my hands and see that Loki already left. I roll my eyes, hand everybody their bowl, take his and go after him.
I go up the stairs and knock on his door, exactly like the last time. Just that I have two bowls in my hands now.
"Come in", says Loki's voice from inside.
I poke my head into the room. He still reads the same book, and again his room is dark except the green spark which is illuminating the pages.
Loki inclines his head and the corner of his mouth rises. "You can't always give your pudding to me, (y/n)."
"That's good, because today the cook thought about you and I have one for me and one for you." I walk into his room, close the door with my hip and sit down on his bed.
"Was the cook you, coincidentally?", he responds and takes his bowl and the spoon.
"Maybe", I grin. He chuckles and I hop onto the bed next to him.
We eat, and we only hear the jingling of the spoons from time to time.
Then he discovers the fruit at the bottom.
"Pineapple?", Loki asks surprised. "That is ..." I could swear I see him blush in the dark. "How did you know it is my favourite?"
"Thor told me when I asked", I answer shyly.
"Aw." His glance meets mine for a brief moment, then still with that smile on his face, he continues to eat.
After a while we are finished, Loki let's the bowls levitate onto the nightstand and stretches his arms above his head. He sighs and closes his eyes.
I shift closer to him and reach for the book. He chuckles.
"Now you can read it to me", I grin.
"I don't think it would interest you that much. It is more like a dictionary."
"You read a dictionary to bed?"
He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. "It is not exactly a dictionary. Plus, one of the two people in this room is more literate than the other. It makes one smarter. Something you could use."
I give him a light nudge with my elbow.
"Hey", Loki responds, still with that smirk. After a small pause, he elbows me back.
I grab the pillow from behind me and throw it at Loki. Unfortunatly, he catches it in the air.
"Oh, no no. You don't want to start a pillow fight with the god of mischief, right?"
"Who are you", I answer, my eyes sparkling and I try to imitate Odin, "are you Loki, god of pillow fights?" I throw him an appraising glance. "You don't look like you could make a good pillow fight. I mean, all this sense of fashion stuff leaves probably no room for anything else in your brain-"
I can barely finish my sentence when the pillow I just threw at Loki hits me directly in the face. Laughing, I pull it from my face.
"You will feel sorry for that, puny mortal", I hear Loki's voice in his best villain imitation, even if his playfulness shines through.
"Never!", I shout and jump onto my knees. I hold the pillow tighter and swing it in his direction without letting go. It hits his chest. "Ha!", I call, then he pulls against the pillow and when I refuse to let go, I fall onto the mattress and over his outstretched legs.
"Making a (y/n) sushi roll", he humms in a made up melody and rolls me into the blanket. My protest and my struggling only makes him grin more while he fastens the blanket with strong arms.
Eventually, I lay there, immobile like an earthworm, and Loki picks me up and leans me against the headboard. Just like I sat before.
"Better", he smirks.
I blow a strand of my hair out of my face and pout. "I wanted a real pillowfight, not a blanket cocoon."
"Not my fault you are so bad in pillow fights that you lose within the first thirty seconds."
I can't move so I just screw up my eyes to show my disagreement with this statement.
Loki laughs. "I really start to like this."
I sit there for a moment like a sad worm while Loki takes delight in watching me. My glance falls onto the book in his lap.
"Now, what is the book about?", I ask.
He chuckles. "It is about different forms of magic."
"Oh. Can you show me and read a few to me?"
He sighs, pretending to be annoyed, and flips the book open in the middle. "This one", he starts and points at a rune that looks like a tiny firework, "describes your magic. Well, not exactly. It describes emotional magic, but not only of happiness. It goes through all emotions."
"Wow, cool. I didn't know that exists." I scan the page. "What means the one that looks like two stickmen?"
Loki snickers. "I never saw it as two stickmen. But this one ... it is about telepathy."
I look at him curiously. "Can every magician do that? Can we do that?"
"Uhm, this would be a little hard ... Between the magicians must exist love. So ..." His voice fades out.
"Oh", I say, the silence feeling heavier suddenly. Nobody says something and I get hot in my blanket cocoon. "You still wanted to teach me the firework though", I say as a distraction.
He looks surprised about the sudden change of topic. "You still want to learn that?"
"Of course! It was pretty."
"But then I would have to free you."
I throw him an annoyed glance and see that the mischievous smirk is back on his face.
"Free me", I demand and hold my nose up.
"Hmm ... but I like you like this." He grins and in that grin is something more evil than just the joy of having me captured. Loki lets his hand slip between the blanket folds and starts tickling my side.
"No. No! Stop! Stop!", I screech and try to wriggle away. I start to laugh. "You just want to distract from teaching me the firework!"
He sighs theatrically, stops and pulls at the blanket. I fall out of my prison.
"Thank you", I pant.
"You're welcome."
I sit up straight and tug at my hair and clothes. "Sadistic god", I mumble.
He inclines his head with a smirk. "I have no problem doing this again until there is something more friendly coming out of your mouth."
I blush at his words, without being able to pinpoint why.
"Show me please", I say softly. I shift in his direction and lean onto him a little.
Loki chuckles and returns that smile tenderly. "Lift your hand like this. No, like this." He corrects my fingers. "And then think about the firework. Think about the glittering sparks, the heat, the colours, the smell, the beauty of the fire against the night sky ..."

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