52: Doctor Strange

Start from the beginning

He had long slicked black hair, and a nice all black suit. He flipped his head up, causing the hair that fell around his face back.

"I have been falling...for thirty minutes!" He yelled as he stood back up. Brushing the dirt off his suit. He turned to us, looking at the three of us confused. My expression most definitely matching his.

"Oh, Lady Black. This is my brother, Loki. Loki this is one of my friends, Layla Black." Thor said as he gestured between the two of us.

I tilted my head, knowing full well who this was. Loki dipped his head down. Giving me a thin but annoyed smile, "Pleasure." He said but by his tone it was obvious that it wasn't pleasurable at all.

I crossed my arms over my chest. Eyeing him from head to toe, "So you're the reason the Avengers took a while to break me out of that hell hole Hydra prison." I gave him a fake smile.

Loki's face fell to pure confusion as he dipped his head forward once more, "I beg your pardon?"

Thor rested his hand onto Loki's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. It was obvious that it was a painful one judging by Loki's wince, "Ah yes, dear brother. When you decided to try to take over New York. It seemed to be the perfect distraction for Hydra...who are very bad people by the way...to kidnap Lady Black. And since we were busy dealing with you, Ms. Black, you see, was trapped there. Tortured, you know. All types of bad things. All...because of your brilliant plan."

Loki's eyes shifted from Thor. Then back to me. I just gave him a sly smirk as I glared. Making Loki shift a bit. He noticed the evil stare. Countering it with a quick smile.

"I'm sorry." He replied.

"Oh you will be." I said keeping my tall stance. Loki's smile faded and his eyes widened. However before he could say anything another portal appeared behind the two asgardians.

"Okay that's enough." The man said. Forcing the two through it. I watched the orange sparkle dim. Realizing I never got an answer as to why Thor was even here. Let alone his brother joining him.

The room shifted quickly once more. My body falling into a chair. Back in the study, the man sat down in front of me. Intertwining his fingers together that were covered by yellow gloves.

"Tea?" He asked.

I nodded my head, still wondering who this man even was. I felt something suddenly appear in my hand. Looking down at it, a simple tea cup now sat in the once empty hand.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Black?" He asked.

I furrowed my brows again, "Wait...who are you Mr-"

"Doctor" He replied quickly.


"Its Strange."

I paused. Staring at him. More confused now than ever before. "What?"

"Doctor. Stephen. Strange." He emphasized.

I took a sip of my drink. Now just annoyed. "You should just lead with that instead..." I muttered under my breath. I shook my head. Setting the cup down onto the end table beside my chair. Reminding myself why I was here.

"Where's the Ancient One. I need to speak with her."

Strange's head tilted a bit. A solome look now sitting on his face as he shifting in his seat, "Right...you wouldn't know." He said quietly, "She died."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I fell back deeper into the chair. It was a shock. Knowing how long she had lived, I never thought there would be a day that she would be gone. I let out a small sigh. Disappointed in myself for not coming sooner. Or even staying in contact. "I'm sorry." I said to Strange but felt more as an outward apology to my old master.

Strange just nodded his head. Getting up from the chair and facing towards the large circular window at the end of the room. "I watch over the New York Sanctum now." H said and turned to me, "So I ask again. What can I help you with?"

I nodded my head. Sitting up from my seat. I explained the dreams. Every detail I could. Explaining the warning Thor had given us long ago. How mores stones have been appearing the past few years. Strange just sat quietly. Resting his head against his fingers and listened to my concern. He nodded his head when I finished.

Moving his hand the room shifted once more. The two of us walked down a small hallway. His cape flowing beside me, almost as if it was moving on its own.

"The time stone is protected by me." He said as we walked, "It's always stayed here. Is always with me wherever I go."

I stayed silent as we made our way to the end of the hallway. In the room in front of us stood a simple concrete pedestal. The Eye of Agamotto standing on top of it.

Strange held his arm out. Guiding me into the room. I walked in slowly. As if afraid to get close. Staring down the relic in front of us as he followed behind me. He moved towards it. Resting his hands on the pedestal. Giving me a simple smile.

"See? It's not going anywhere anytime soon." He said.

Suddenly, the Eye of Agamotto began to shake. I stepped back as Strange furrowed his brows towards me. Quickly shifting his eyes down towards the noise coming from the metal hitting the concrete.

"Whats happening?" I asked concerningly.

"I don't know." He answered, looking down at it worried. The gold necklace continued to shake. Each of us worried to interact with it in its current state.

It stopped suddenly and the intricate pieces on the necklace slid open. A bright green stone appearing inside of it. I tilted my head. Looking up at Strange as he watched the stone.

It slowly slid itself out of the necklace. Floating itself into the air in front of us. I stared as the green glowing rock slowly made its way towards me. I stared up as it floated in front of me. My breathing stopped as I cupped my hands together. Letting the stone fall into them.

"What the hell is this?" I asked Strange. My words shaking. He just stood there looking as confused as I was.

"Layla?" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned around, stone still in hand. Seeing the familiar master emerging from a portal behind me.

Wong stood with a shocked expression on his face. His eyes shifting between Strange and I before finally landing on the stone.

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