Chapter 2 - Godlike figure

Start from the beginning

" be fair if no one decides to annoy me or try to get on my nerves deliberately then I promise not to cause any trouble." I smiled and hoped a halo would magically appear above me.

"I like your honesty and I also believe in second chances so please obey the rules and because you're late I am forced to give you detention. Hurry to class now." She smiled again and wrote me a detention slip.

I groaned and replied "Well thanks for giving me another chance, and yay....detention." I fake smiled and abruptly walked out of the room.

I lazily barged into the classroom without knocking and everyone gasped or made comments like 'She's back or...oh my gosh its Cataleya or...who is she?' I looked around and realised I only know half of the students. The ones I didn't know were looking at me with wide eyes as if I had morphed into a clown. I swear it's rude to stare.

"Cataleya, you're late and you may sit next to Tiana since she's the only one who knows how to control you, I will be right back class." The teacher got up and left the room and I went to take my seat next to Tia.

I could still feel every ones eyes on me. "Cataleya, how come you're back here babe? Did you miss me so much that you had to run back to me." I turned around and saw Michael with dyed black hair.

According to my research that I did a couple of years ago, Michael had joined a gang. Everyone is scared of him but with my reputation most gangs have heard about me and my talents.

"Didn't your mum teach you to say hi first. Now take your filthy eyes off me and mind your own business." Everyone laughed and Michael turned bright red.

You see no one rejects Michael and I was the first girl that rejected him. He has that powerful aura that makes everyone shiver in their seats but I'm not afraid of him. Rumours have it that he wants to outsmart me and lure me into his least that's what he did to other girls. I wonder how many girls he's slept with? Thinking about it makes me sick. Who wants to sleep with him? I made a disgusted face at the thought.

"Shut up, your mum was filthy." He smirked and everyone looked at him and gasped.

I got up and walked over to him. My brain told me to sit down and ignore his comment but I couldn't, he insulted my dead mother. "What's up bitch, am I too attractive that you can't take your eyes off me." He winked.

I smiled back at him and with all my strength I punched him in the face and kicked his chair back. He fell brutally backwards on his chair and hit his head with a bang. All the girls gasped while the boys laughed. "Well, you don't look attractive anymore." I laughed and confidently walked back to sit down.

"Catt are you insane, it's only your first day back and you have already abused someone." Tia said with worry.

"Tee calm down, he deserved it. It's not called abuse when the person is Michael."

Tiana rolled her eyes but her face softened when she saw me slightly shivering in anger. "Catt I know how much you miss your mum, and how hurt you must be. But remember you can't act violent and get expelled. This is your last chance, I don't want you to ruin your life."

I felt guilty by just looking at her. "I'm sorry, I will try to control myself and not act violent....for now."


At lunch the news about me spread like fire, everyone knew I was back and those who were new to the school found out who I was and why I got excluded. I couldn't care less.

"CATALEYA." A familiar voice screamed behind me. I turned around and my group of friends ran to hug me. We all screamed with delight, my group of friends consist of Ruby, Eva, Leona and Shaggy but she was nowhere to be seen. Even though I always visit my friends and family in London we never get the time to talk properly. My father and his beloved wife used to limit the people I spent my time with. I learned that Shaggy left school as soon as I did. Shaggy was the only person who knew about my activities with gangs, only because her father was a leader of a gang in East London but they were all killed in a gang war. Shaggy shortly left to live with her mum in north London.

While Ruby was talking I felt someones gaze on me. I looked to my right and four boys standing in the corner caught my attention. They all looked attractive with a muscular build making them seem dangerous yet lustrous. One of the boys had his gaze on me, I felt uncomfortable but he was too attractive which made it harder to take my eyes off of him. His brown hair stood in all directions making him even more sexy with his intense hazel eyes which made my heart beat uncontrollably.

"Who are they?" I turned my gaze back to my friends and they all looked at the same direction I was looking a couple of seconds ago.

"Oh my gosh they look so dreamy...they are the most attractive boys in this school but I heard they are dangerous and violent. Unfortunately they don't go out with girls from this school." Leona explained and let out a sigh.

Eva suddenly whispered "Daniel keeps staring at Cataleya."

"Cataleya, Daniel never stares at a girl with interest. I say he's liking what he's seeing." Ruby burst out.

Leona put a wide cheesy grin on her face. "Want me to hook you up with him Catt?"

"NO! ARE YOU MAD." I practically screamed which made people stare at me with questioning faces.

"Maybe." Leona winked.

"Great my friends are as mad as I am." I huffed and we all made our way to class.

I was about to enter my English class when I remembered I had forgot my books in my locker. I made my way to my locker and when I was about to open my locker two strong arms held me tightly making it hard to breathe. Everything seemed like a blur to me after I got pushed into a dark room. I tried to scream but a massive hand was placed on my mouth to shut me up. I couldn't see what was happening but I was sitting on a chair now and someone else was tying my hands behind my back. Do they really think by tying my hands it will prevent me from escaping? Idiots!

The lights turned on and Michael and his friend were standing in front of me with a devilish smile on their faces. Michael's face was bruised, every time he tried to talk or move his face he screamed in pain. I stifled a laugh.

"Bitch look what you have done to my face, you're going to pay for this." Michael said harshly.

I tried to untie my hands so I could fight back or escape but I was unsuccessful. "You deserved it to be honest." I shot back with a confident tone.

"Sam, beat the bitch up." Michael's bruised face was looking horrible now. His tone sounded furious. I clenched my hands into fists and I got my legs ready to kick Sam and Michael in the balls if they dared to come any closer.

"Dude, I can't beat her she's a girl." Sam whined.

Michael looked at him and said "Move out of the way you fucker."

He started slowly walking towards me and I got ready to kick him in the balls but the door slammed open and a godlike figure walked in angrily. It was the handsome guy from earlier, Daniel I think. He looked ready to fight as he stared at the two boys, while I stared at him with disbelief.

He looked so damn dreamy but I pushed the thought away and Michael was near enough to get kicked in the balls.

Michael looked scared and he wasn't paying attention to me anymore so I kicked him in the balls and Daniel took the chance to beat the shit out of them. It was one against two but Daniel was stronger than both of them and after a couple of minutes Sam and Michael ran out of the room when they had the chance to.

Daniel chuckled silently and then looked at me. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I didn't know why he would even bother saving me. So many questions were running through my mind, but I didn't dare to ask any. He looked angry again. Is he bipolar? Did I do something wrong?

He scowled "You should stop wandering around the school, that way you wouldn't be in trouble with losers like him." He walked behind me and untied my hands.

I stood up and faced him. "I wasn't wandering around and I'm capable of saving myself. But thanks for saving me and I'm sure it won't happen again." I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Not so fast, you owe me." He winked but I yanked my arm back and pushed him away from me.


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