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Then sofia knock to the door but not respond then she again and again knock but still no respond.

Sofia (in mind): What happen to him...? Why is he not respond is he fine...? Should I go inside...

Then she open the door slowly the door is also not lock and she going saw that chen is standing front of the mirror but she doesn't saw her face. Then she go trowed to him and look at him in the mirror after seen his face she burst in to laugh because of this sound chen suddenly get awake and look at her and there then he found sofia is laughing.

 Then she go trowed to him and look at him in the mirror after seen his face she burst in to laugh because of this sound chen suddenly get awake and look at her and there then he found sofia is laughing

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Sofia (while laughing): Did you came here to fresh up or sleep...?

Chen (childishly yet crying): What should I do I am feeling so sleepy but you...you don't let me sleep.

Sofia (huge him and pat his head): Aw...my sweet baby don't cry like this...fine we will go and enjoyed today...so will you...?

Chen (huge her tightly): Yeah...I am ready if I can stay with you then I don't need anything I am not feeling sleep.

They both smile while hugging each others they both feel peacefully each others arms but there mind is not peaceful at all.

Chen (in mind): I don't know what happen to you in the future but god please don't let anything happens to her. She need a good life...I need her everyone need her so please this operation will be successful.

Sofia (in mind): I don't know what happen to me after that operation that's why I thought to stay away from you but

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Sofia (in mind): I don't know what happen to me after that operation that's why I thought to stay away from you but...but I can't I can't do that...if I won't able to saver it's fine at least I have a happy memories with my love.

Xiang and Yuen sitting on the dinning.

Xiang and Yuen sitting on the dinning

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CONFUSED BUT LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now