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Next morning Jun-Hee room she was doing her make up that's when someone knock to the door.

Jun-hee (without looking): Sis. Come in...

Then someone came inside silently and huge her from behind.a smile came to her lips.

Junhee (teasing): My Mr.Handsome get up early...what a present surprise...?

Chen (flirty): How can a guy doesn't wake uo earlier when her beauty queen stay with him in the same house.

Junhee: Chen actually I want to ask you something....

Chen (smile): You can ask me anything...what did you want to know now...?

Junhee (harvesting): Is your brother love that girl sofia or sister meli...?

After hearing this chen smile get varnish.he look down and pick his lips to answer her.

Junhee: Hey what happen I you won't so it's ok.

Chen (bit smile): N..no...nothing like that actually meli is his first love but she cheated on him and after four years we get to know that it was a misunderstanding.so soon they both going to married.

Junhee (in mind): Then why he said like that

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Junhee (in mind): Then why he said like that...maybe they doesn't know about it.

Chen: Hey...what happen...?

Junhee: Nothing...l...(suddenly she kiss his cheek,making chen stunned.)

Chen (flirty): Only cheek...I thought...

Junhee (Shyly): What did you think...?

Then he gently kiss on her forehead.

Chen (lovely): You know I am the luckiest person in this world because I get a gift like this...

Junhee (irritating): For you am I gift...? Ahhh...

Chen (smile): Yeah...for me you are a gift...this gift God given by me.

Then they both huge each others.

Chen (in mind): I wish this gift stay with me until I dead.(speak) now let's go sweetheart.

After sometimes Cristy and Junhee came to the Lu Enterprise and that's when Shen also came.she look at her bit arrogance.with his behaviour junhee get irritating.

Then everyone go to inside and that's when yuen and xiang also come they know the truth because but look at junhee they remind sofia but they control their emotions.

After Week (The Consent Day)

It's a big show lot of peoples came to watch and enjoyed it.

Make up room for girls are getting ready cristy and junhee also part of them. Chen continues look at junhee he was lot in her beauty,shen also there as his company also part of this show,they make every designing in their dresses. Chen look at junhee but shen's eyes on chen.he was look at him like if he can he will kill him.

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