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Chen and Cristy get shocked.that's when out side shen looking at them and his hand have two coffee for chen and cristy

Shen (in mind): I want to meet her also give them this...but how what should I do...?let's go inside and see what happen.I just want to know what happen to her and get to know is she fine or not...?

Then he also cane inside without doing any noise no one aheard him as they all lost in their conversation.

Junhee (confused): Why you all call me Junhee...I am not junhee I am Li Sofia...Chen you also know this isn't...?

Hearing this Shen get shocke and two coffee cups also falling from his hand then everyone look at him so was sofia.then he came trowed to her.

Sofia: Why are you all looking at me like seen a gost...? (Look at shen) Shen is there something happen which I doesn't know...as my head is hurting a lot.

Shen doesn't tell any single word to her silently came to her and huge her tightly. Tears start falling from his eyes like diamonds.

Sofia: Can someone please tell me what happen,why you all are crying.

that's when she start remembering everything and she get shocked then she make shen get back and look at chen.

Sofia (calmly): Chen you save me...but...but (touch her stomach) what ha...(tears filled in her eyes) happen to...m...my...cha....child...?

Shen get shocked to hearing this.

Shen (confused): What...what...do you mean bu child...?

Sofia (tears eyes): That day I...I came to meet you and I called you many times but you doesn't pickup your phone...the reason I called you after you go from home I get to know thst I was pregnant...I...I..pregnant with your child.

Hearing this tears continually following from his eyes and also he look at chen angry.

Shen (angry): If you save her then why...why lied to all of us...?

Chen is doesn't saying anything he was lost in his own world it seems that god take him everything even his breath as sofia like his breath because he was already ready to give him his breath too but as he already give her his life too

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Chen is doesn't saying anything he was lost in his own world it seems that god take him everything even his breath as sofia like his breath because he was already ready to give him his breath too but as he already give her his life too.then cristy speak.

Cristy (calmly): Because we can't do anything that time.

FlashBack Start

Chen and Cristy came out from hospital and he ready everything.

Chen: Thank you so much cristy that you like to go with her or else I doesn't know what should I do...

Cristy (smile): It's ok...I know you live her...she is really lucky to get a boy like you.

Chen (give her flie): There have the document of her but everything is as your sister and I make a fake account from her name that her as your sister junhee because no one know that she get dead from fire accident three back a go.they only know that she have big accident.

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