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In America Lily is in his room and she was reading a book then Sen came to the room and look at her. Then he came to her and sit beside her lily also look at him.

Sen: Did you studying or...?

Lilly (smile): No...I am just reading a book...

Sen: Oooo...(then he snatch the book from her hand.) So we...

Lily (blushing): We...

Then he hold her waist and both of them falling to bed he was on her.

Sen (whisper): You are looking so beautiful...

Saying this he start kissing her neck Lily also grab his back tightly and sen get removed and then he start kissing her lips very smoothly with passionately.

Saying this he start kissing her neck Lily also grab his back tightly and sen get removed and then he start kissing her lips very smoothly with passionately

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Other side Junhee came out while running and that's when chen and cristy came to her.she was holding her head tightly.

Junhee (to herself): What happen to me...Ahhh...my head hurt so much.

Then cristy and chen look at her seen them junhee also get stop and put her hand down as if they get to know then they will get worried.

Chen (worried): Junhee are you ok.

Junhee (smile): Yeah...I am absolutely fine.

Cristy (happily): Siso...there have party today let's go and have some fun.

Junhee (harvesting): I...I...actually I can't go as I am...little tired so...yo...you both go and enjoyed.

Chen get too worrieds and he go to him and hold her hand.

Chen (worried): Cristy you go I will stay with her...are you really fine do we need to go to the doctor?

Junhee (lovely): Hey my prince I am fine I tried because I sang so much I just need to get fresh up and took a peaceful sleep.(teasing)then tomorrow I am again turn ti your strong girl.

Chen: Don't joke whith me in the situation like this...tell me honestly are you really fine...?

Cristy (worried): Yeah...junhee please don't joke like a situation now and you always do this.

Junhee (smile cute): I know but don't worry I am fine and now both of you must go to the party and tell me what happen there...ok...?

Chen (pull her cheeks): When you are convince someone you looking too cute. I love you my sweetheart.

Junhee (sweetly): I...lov...(but she doesn't tell full sentence, in mind) till today I say you that I love you but why...why now I can't say that...what happens to me...god...

Chen was lost in her own world then chen bring her to the real world.

Chen: Hey what happen...where are you get lost...?

CONFUSED BUT LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now