Chapter 20: A Flightless Sky

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A common Empyrean tradition was to make vows; at weddings, birthdays, gatherings. Even at coronation ceremonies. Loyalty is pledged to Empyrea, followed by your promises. Like a chant, the oath is driven firmly into the child's mind at a young age, oftentimes by way of singing it as a lullaby.

There's a penalty for breaking such vows- depending on what it is, the weight of the punishment shall vary. The lowest degree would result in a short whipping, or perhaps public humiliation. The highest degree resulted in death, and in some cases, torture or banishment. Generally, only one or two penalties are given a year due to the value Empyreans gave to their promises, and when a vow is broken, often it is by mishap, a heavy guilt compels the traitor to turn themself in for their sentence.

My father taught me this tradition at a young age as well, and I have practiced it every day of my life since. The value I gave to it was immeasurable. And thus, in such an effort to control myself before the first lash hit my skin, I pledged to my kingdom to remain silent to any of Delphine's questions.

I reminded myself this even as the whip tore into my bare back over and over.

"Let me remind you," Delphine growled, breathing heavily. Her mask lay abandoned on the ground, "that this is not as hard as I can hit. Now tell me, where is the rest of your army hiding?"

I shook my head stubbornly, near sobbing when the leather struck my body again. My nails were digging into my palms, threatening to tear them open. The whip kept flying at me, not even waiting for a response before returning.

"Let's try again," She snapped the whip again and I grimaced, eyeing the object, "because clearly you require a little more convincing. Where is the real Icarian heir?"

My eyes widened. "I don't know," I croaked. My voice came out hoarse from screaming.

The whip cracked across my back twice more, this time curling around my waist before she pulled it back. A pathetic whimper escaped my lips and I lowered my head, squeezing the tears from my eyes. "Don't act naive," she sneered. "I know you've figured it out." I only shook my head again. "This is your last warning," Delphine whispered through gritted teeth. "Answer my questions, and I won't touch you. Don't, and I'll do much more than make you bleed. Now, answer me. Where is the rest of the Empyrean army hiding?"

With a heavy breathed exhale in preparation, I shut my eyes. "I don't know."

Delphine threw the whip down onto the ground with a frustrated cry and lunged towards me with her knife. I flinched, but the pain never came. Instead, the knife hacked through and broke apart the chains hanging me from the ceiling, and I collapsed to the floor like a rag doll. The impact made white spots bloom in my vision. I moaned.

She pushed me onto my stomach and pushed my hands above my head, pinning them down with one strong hand. A heavy weight rested on the back of my legs, and I turned my head to find her straddling me. Too drained to speak, I laid my head flat on the ground, trying to catch my breath through the pain.

"Hold still now, and don't scream too much" Delphine warned as she wiped the blade with her skirt. "It's been a while since the last time I did this, so you wouldn't want me cutting any deeper than I need to."

Before I could ask, she plunged the knife into my back, right into the base of my left wing. I screamed, clawing at the ground and trying to jerk away, but she held me down. Stars danced in my vision. "Stay still, I ask of you." She twisted the blade and I howled. "Usually they're unconscious when I perform such a surgery, so it's more difficult to cut if you're moving. So don't."

"It hurts!" My words came out as barely louder than a whisper, throat scratching at the dryness.

"It'll hurt less if you stay still," she murmured into my ear, turning the knife.

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