Chapter 8: Bar Sinister

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Once I was back in my room, I changed into something easier to move in and slipped my armour over it. Silver and gold, and made especially to fit me. After that, I rewrapped the bandage around my head and over my ear, then hung a belt on my waist, attaching both scabbards to it and fitting my swords in. Retrieving a scrap of cloth, I twisted it into a makeshift bag and stuffed into it whatever might be deemed necessary. Bandages, a knife, a length of rope, and clean water. Hopefully things I wouldn’t feel the need to use. 

My plan was to sneak in and find Pumpkin, who’d help me get through the security. Maybe as a fake prisoner, I wasn’t sure yet. But I’d get to Calix’s cell, bandage him up if need be, and get him out. We’d leave the same way we came in, with an excuse that he needed to be somewhere. Then past security back out and re enter Empyrea’s borders. 

Perching on the edge of my windowsill like a bird, I slung the bag of arrows over my shoulder, the bow tucked away on my back. The sky was clear tonight, the only light coming from the moon and stars, dusting the galaxy in a pale twilight. A cool, night breeze caressed my face, ruffling my hair. It reminded me of Calix when he did that. The memory of all those times could only ever bring a smile to me. 

Leaping out the window, the rush of cold air gave me a warm welcome into the atmosphere, enveloping me. Once I was on the edge, I settled onto a tall, white stone steeple of a church and gazed out over Icaria’s kingdom. A festival was being held around the centre of the town, candle lights illuminating the houses, fire dancing along the Meditteranean coast. If I listened close enough, I could hear their singing, feet stomping in a rhythm. 

Even though they were supposed to be my enemies, I couldn’t help but admire how unified Icaria was, whereas Empyrea is greatly separated by social status. I hoped my kingdom would grow to resemble that. 

Swiftly gliding over the festival, I could’ve sworn I heard a few children call out to me, but I was imagining it. In this case of sneaking around, dark wings came to my advantage for once, a natural nighttime camouflage. 

After a few minutes, I arrived at the castle, concealing myself on the roof of a smaller building. Scanning the grounds, I found the outlier; a guard standing on the side, leaning lazily against a stack of barrels. 

Finding a stray stone, I angled it and hurled, hitting the mark. A side barrel toppled over, bringing the entire stack with it. 

Shocked, the guard saunters closer to me, enough for me to dive, slamming us both into the tiny alleyway. 

My hand immediately slid under the helmet and clamped over his mouth, the other finding the back of his head and slamming it into the stone wall. My plan backfired however, and the guard flipped us around, kicking my legs out from beneath me and pinning me face-down into the ground. His hand found my left wing's base, twisting it painfully. 

"What the hell- Your Majesty?" 


Laughing nervously, he got up and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, that was a little embarrassing. Sorry, mate."

"No need to apologize." I tell him with a slight grunt, stretching my back to ease the pain on my wing. "You're really good at that." I add with a chuckle, straightening myself up. 

"Thanks." He says, chest puffing up. "Anyway, whatcha doing here back here?"

Brushing the dirt off my armour, I fixed the bow on my back. “I’m taking Calix back. Can you lead me there?”

“I can certainly try.” 

I grinned, thanking him. Pumpkin pushed me closer to the wall, then left, his hand falling on the shoulder of a tall guard as he stood on his toes to whisper something into her ear. She nodded, leaving his side to tell something to the other guards. Once they were out of sight, Pumpkin strolled back to me and gestured for me to come closer. 

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