Chapter 1: A Forced Union

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The unsteady voice faded away, the kind hand on my head gone.

"We're not going to be seeing her again."

A jolt ran through my body, and I shivered as I snapped back into reality. Blinking rapidly, my eyes adjusted to the faded morning light that had just begun to peak over the horizon, casting a reddish orange glow over the ocean. Drowsily marveling at the sight, I glazed over it until the presence of someone shifting fully awakened me.

Valentine dramatically pouted, playfully needy for attention as always. I'd been dozing off far too long for him not to notice.

With a light chuckle, I poked him in the head, only resulting in him pulling another face.

"Why are you always so wrapped up in seeing water?" he complained with an overexaggerated whine, leaning forward on his hands. "We both know I'm tenfold more beautiful." I only snorted in response, immediately covering my mouth in embarrassment when he laughed back at me.

Turning my gaze back out to stare at the ocean, Val went back to rambling on about some unknown subject. The rising sun illuminated our faces and lit the water on fire, stretching it out past the eye's view. He was right, of course. Seeing the water from ground level was much different than it was from seeing it from above in Empyrea. Even though I'd been here so many times before with him, the sight always captivated me the same.

Our little seat on the coast overlooked the ocean, perfectly concealed by the high, rocky shores behind us; No one knew about our friendship. Not only would it be trouble for Val, but as the heir to the Empyrean throne, I wasn't hardly supposed to go beyond the palace walls, let alone interact with humans- the enemy. Fortunately for me, my guards weren't particularly attentive.

Interrupting my thoughts, Val glanced at me and cleared his throat, "The sun's starting to come up."

"It is."

"We should go, then?"

"I suppose so." I mumbled back with a sigh.

Neither of us made a move to leave.

"When should I come here again?" I pressed my lips together and trying to remember if there was any opening in my schedule to come here again. Waking up before dawn was no easy feat, and I was already running late daily without sneaking off. His life was just as hectic as well.

Hectic due to what, I wasn't sure. We'd agreed not to delve into that part of each other's lives.

Standing up, I turned back to look at him over my shoulder as I spread the large, feathery wings on my back. "Shall the next full moon work?" He looked confused. "For us to meet again."

"Oh! Right, that'll work. But then," Val smirked mischievously, taking my hand gently in his and pressing a kiss to the back of it. Always a flirt. "Until next time."

I frowned, pushing my hand up into his face and inducing a high yelp from him. "And here I could've sworn I'd told you to stop."

"You know I never listen to you."

"Unfortunately so," replied I, and with a salute farewell and a heavy beat of my wings, I took to the sky.

The crisp morning air ruffled my hair and sent shivers down my body. I pulled the hood of my chlamys over my head, tugging the hem over my face in preparation of entering Empyrea's territory. A hood I'd custom designed myself that assisted me in my favourite trick, in which I threw on the cloak and the title "His Imperial Highness" disappeared.

Descending onto one of the landing docks, I floated through the alleys and maneuvered my way between people, making certain to keep my hood and head low. Children stumbled by, men and women pushing past me in a rush. Empyrea was small, yet highly populated, so the larger pathways were mostly reserved for children that hadn't yet gained the ability to fly, or cripples from  war. Luckily, it was only dawn, so not many were awake yet.

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