Chapter 2: Familiar Face

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Beads of sweat slipped down my face and dripped off my chin, and I was repeatedly drying my palms on my clothing. I confessed, it was only partly due to the near unbearable heat. My pulse was spiked with anxiety, hands fidgeting with the hem. After having been paraded like a trophy around Icaria for an uncomfortably long time, the last thing I had to do was finally enter the castle and meet the royal family, as well as their royal council.

A heavy hand fell on my shoulder and I jumped. Lydia was frowning from behind me, the sun making her dark brown skin even darker. Her other hand shaded her eyes from the light. "You alright? Your face is sort of red." she stated matter-of-factly, most likely with genuine concern.

"Fine, thank you."

"We're almost there anyway," Calix cut in cheerfully. The entire day he'd been bouncing on the balls of his feet, grinning like a child. I'd no clue what he was so excited about, but his high spirits were fairly contagious, as usual.

When we eventually arrived, our escort, a tall young female with long, braided hair, turned around and gave us a broad smile. I'd taken notice that Empyreans tend to be taller than humans, and with that meaning that I, and Calix, towered over everyone else.

"Beyond this gate, if you leave you have to have an ID to re-enter." she instructed as the gate was raised, handing us each a thin gold coin with a different symbol engraved onto each individual piece, as well as our initials. "Take it with you everywhere. If you lose it, return immediately and tell a guard at the gate. Most possibly, we'll have to send you back to Empyrea."

As we entered, I couldn't help noticing how tall it was from ground level. In fact, I pointed it out to Lydia, who only shook her head in amusement at my awe.

Glancing over at Calix, who clung to Lydia's arm with his free hand, he seemed to be in the same state.

The castle loomed tall, an architecture of white marble that looked as new as when it was built. Lush, green grass tucked around every corner, flowers dancing in the blades. Broad stone steps lead to an arch that welcomed us into the palace's Great hall.

Our escort led us to the right wing of the castle, guards littered along the hallway. All kept their heads down as we walked by them; a sign of respect, and submission.

"This shall be your wing of the castle, as well as the guards you brought along with you." She explained, gesturing towards the wing. "There are enough rooms that you each can claim one."

Interrupting, a guard leaned forward and whispered something in her ear. The woman blinked in confusion for a moment, but nodded her understandment.

"Er, you may each find your rooms, and make yourselves comfortable." She continued. "As for Your Highness," she said, "A guard will escort you to the dining hall tomorrow morning to meet the Icarian royal family rather than tonight due to certain circumstances. "

With that quick note, the woman practically sprinted down the hall and back where we came from. I frowned, hoping she was alright.

Calix didn't give us any time to dwell on it though, and grabbed Lydia, dragging her to the door as fast as he could with a crutch. Their laughter seemed to echo through the wing like children's, I smiled and shook my head, following after them.

Lydia immediately leapt onto my bed, hugging a soft, violet pillow to her chest. Calix sat beside her, electric blue eyes widening at the softness of the mattress. I surveyed the room, noticing how clean it was. It was fairly large, the bed positioned against the centre wall. Our belongings were already there, spread out in a corner on the carpet. There was a wooden table stocked with bottles of ink and quills, as well as a tray of sliced bread and bottles of wine. Grabbing one of the latter, I poured it into three goblets and diluted it with water, offering the cups to my friends.

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