Seriously, Shorty...

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Rohan barely got any sleep last night. Worries of what could happen kept replaying in his mind over and over again. Did he screw up? Would his apology be enough? Horrible thoughts flooded Rohan's mind until eventually morning came and school followed.

Rohan had decided against texting Gamo an apology deciding that telling her in person would be better. But the problem was Rohan hadn't seen Gamo all day. He didn't see her in the morning. He didn't see her during the day. He didn't even see her in the art room which surprised him. Who would've thought finding someone like Gamo would be this much of a challenge. It was near the end of the day; the sun had already set down on the horizon. The school had been filled with orange rays.

"Where is she?" Rohan thought, thinking of the orange-haired girl.

Rohan pulled out his phone and was about to call her but stopped when he heard her voice.

"Are you sure there's no way he come back?" Gamo's voice said around a corner.

Rohan looked around the corner and saw Gamo talking to the student morals committee chief.

"I've told you already, there's no way he can come back. Now please leave." Fuki-san said to the persistent girl.

"Why is Gamo-chan talking to Fuki-san?" Rohan thought peeing around the corner.

Gamo looked disappointed, but started to walk away from Fuki-san and started to walk in Rohan's direction. Gamo made a sharp turn that Rohan wasn't expecting and the two bumped into each other. Gamo was about to apologize before noticing who she bumped into.

"Ah Gamo-chan..." Rohan said with a nervous smile.

Gamo looked at the short teen with an uncertain expression.

"Oh hey..." Gamo mumbled awkwardly.

"Where uh... where were you today?" Rohan asked, immediately regretting it.

"That sounded so creepy!" Rohan thought embarrassed.

"Around I guess..." Gamo answered.

"Cool, cool..." Rohan mumbled awkwardly.

"Look Gamo-chan I need to tell you something..."

"What do you want?" Gamo asked a bit rudely.

"Don't catch an attitude." Rohan responded in a Freudian slip.

Gamo's face turned into a scowl matching Rohan's. Rohan realizing his mistake tried to go back to his original plan.


"Gamo-chan! I need you!" A random voice came in between them.

"Why!?" Rohan's thoughts matched the reader's thoughts.

Rohan looked up to see who wanted Gamo's help and it was none other than.

"Enrico?" Rohan thought confused.

"I mean... Gamo-chan I need your help." Enrico asked with a respectable tone.

"Rico, do you mind?" Rohan grumbled.

"I'm sorry but this is important." Enrico apologized.

"Do you know where Yosh is?" Enrico asked rubbing his arm looking ashamed.

"No, I haven't seen her." Gamo answered immediately.

"Oh..." Enrico muttered with sadness.

"How do I get rid of this annoyance?" Rohan thought wanting his Italian friend to say arrivederci.

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