Wanna Deal With That, Shorty?

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Our favorite pint sized protag was currently in a meeting with rest of the public morals committee. The topic at hand was about the upcoming cultural festival. Currently they were told what each exhibition was doing and they could voice their complaints if they wanted too.

"A class of 2nd years is doing a haunted house, and wanted to use fake blood. Any objections?" Fuki-san asked.

The room remained quiet, nobody seemed to mind.

"Haunted house... That's probably Gamo-chan's idea, she did mention liking horror." Rohan thought about his friend

"Are we missing any clubs or classrooms to discuss?" Fuki-san asked.

"Did we talk about the art club?" A male member asked.

"Didn't the president leave?" A female member asked.

"Yes, there's only one member." Rohan said.

"Do you know them?" Fuki-san asked.

Rohan nodded, answering the question of the public morals committee chief.

"He's quiet and mostly keeps to himself..." Rohan noted.

"Mostly..." Rohan thought as a certain tanned terror appeared in his mind.

"Do you know if he will be participating?" Fuki-san asked.

"I don't know, if you want I can go check." Rohan responded.

"I'd appreciate that, thank you." Fuki-san thanked.

Rohan nodded at her with thanks with a half-smile. Then people started talking amongst themselves.

"Didn't the president leave the club...?"

"Yeah, I heard she went to cram school..."

"Hamasaki-san must be happy about that..."

That last sentence caught Rohan's attention.

"Hmm. Not inaccurate." Rohan thought.

You see Rohan and the art president never talked often but for the times they did it wasn't good. Their relationship was strained to lay the least. Rohan was always the first to boycott her lewd drawings, while the president saw Rohan's boycott as nothing more than censorship of her art.

"Well if that's all I believe this meeting is over, you are all dismissed." Fuki-san declared standing up and saluting.

The rest of the public morals committee stood up and saluted back. Some members starting talking to eachother, mostly about the upcoming festival. Rohan didn't converse with his fellow members, he simply got up and walked towards the door, before he bumped into someone.

"Ahh... I'm sorry!" The male member apologized. The member apologized when he realized he bumped into the right hand of the chief.

"I'm gonna get it now!" The male member thought with fear looking at the pseudo descendant of Napoleon.

"Excuse me." Rohan mumbled before walking out the door, much to the confusion of the other members.

"Huh... that's odd." A female member spoke up.

"Is it just me or does Hamasaki-san seem different, like less moody than usual?" Another member asked.

"Do you think it's because the art president left?" A different member asked.

"Nah, Hamasaki-san isn't that petty... right?"

And just like that Rohan just created discord in the public morals committee. Everyone wanted to know what was making the destroyer of all lewd things, calmer than usual.

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