Look Me In The Eyes, Shorty.

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If you remember from the last time, the President had left leaving the group to their own devices. The group was currently sitting at the table either talking or planning for the festival. Gamo decided to sit beside Rohan on the couch trading spots with Enrico who sat beside Yoshi. Nagatoro was currently trying her hand in acting.

"But I'm still the current club president."

"If you're going to defy what I say..."

"Then you'll set up your own display independent from the club!" Nagatoro shouted, mocking the President. 

Which made everyone in the room start to chuckle, even Rohan couldn't hold back. Everyone was amused except for Naoto.

"It's like reading from a script~" Sakura said laughing.

"That's it!"

"Maybe I should act out every single one of her lines." Nagatoro said.

"The acting club!?" Yoshi shouted sounding a bit confused.

"The clubroom is not a playground!!" Gamo said also mocking the President.

"Pfft~" Rohan snickered out loud, which got Gamo's attention.

"Was that funny, Shorty~?" Gamo asked smugly.

"No..." Rohan mumbled with embarrassment.

Gamo smiled smugly at Rohan, to which he responded with a huff.

"Don't insult the president so much..." Senpai mumbled.

The girls started laughing at his attempt to defend the President.

"Paisen's covering for the pres~!!" Gamo shouted.

"So she really is your ex..." Sakura said interested.

"That's not it!!" Senpai shouted.

While no one saw it, Nagatoro was giving Naoto a death glare; angry that he would defend her.

Nobody was coming to Naoto's aid, not even his friends.

"Traitor..." Rohan mumbled.

"Sang-woo!" Enrico shouted.

"Benedict Arnold..." Alexander mumbled.

"I said that's not it!!" Naoto shouted with embarrassment.

"No matter how you look at it, the one at fault is..." Naoto started to say.

Everyone knew what was he was saying. Everyone got quiet trying advert attention.

"U-Us, isn't it..." Naoto finished.

"I suppose..." Rohan thought with disappointment.

"Us, he said." Yoshi was the first to speak.

"We're being grouped together with Paisen!" Gamo shouted amused.

"No way~" Sakura said with a smug look.

"So gross~" Nagatoro said, followed by quiet cackling.

Rohan looked at Gamo annoyed, mostly from the fact that she wasn't taking responsibility. Gamo looked back at him with a smug look that annoyed him further.

"What I didn't do anything." Gamo said raising her brow.

"Actually." A voice came from the table none other than the Italian troublemaker.

"Great now you've set him off." Rohan said annoyed.

"Wasn't it you who got us caught?" Enrico asked with a look that matched her.

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