Shorty, Wanna Go To The Festival?

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This week was a special week. This week hosted the japanese summer festival. An amazing time for friends, family, and lovers. People go the japanese summer festival for many reasons wether it be for the playing games, eating good food, wearing yukatas*, or the amazing show at the end with.

"Fireworks..." Rohan had thought sitting in on the couch next to his mom and sister watching the news station that was talking about the summer festival.

"Okaa-san~" Rohan's sister had said dragging out the ending of the word.

"She said the full title, that means she wants something." Rohan had thought to himself.

"Can I got to summer festival with Keicho-kun?" She said putting on puppy eyes.

"Called it." Rohan had thought.

"I don't see why not. Have fun!" Rohan's mother responded.

Rohan's mother was an interesting woman, from the way her children acted compared to her you wouldn't be able to tell they were related. Rohan's mother whom is known by her friends as Tomoko is very sweet woman, but put too much trust in people. Rohan's sister whom is known as Lisa by her friends is a very cunning and conniving girl.

"Hanz-chan* why don't you go to the festival? You used to love the fireworks! I remember how you used to pull on my dress and point at the 'pretty lights' as you used to call them." Tomoko said reminiscing about her son as a child. Lisa was suppressing a laugh, while Rohan's face flushed with embarrassment.

"I'm not a kid anymore." Rohan said with embarrassment.

"Yeah... but your still my baby!" Tomoko says as she brings Rohan into a strangling hug.

"Let me go!" Rohan yelled but was muffled by his mother's hug.

"I'll let you go if you promise to go out. I'm getting worried you will turn into a Hikikomori*." Tomoko responds with worry.

"Fine I'll go! Just let go of me." Rohan said agreeing to his mothers terms.

Tomoko had release Rohan from her motherly hug and Lisa was making her way to her room while laughing.

"Also who knows maybe you'll meet a nice girl there! Its how me and your father met and fell in love." Tomoko still reminiscing about the past.

"Kaa-san, that work when you were a kid, nowadays... not so much." Rohan said slightly ashamed of his generation.

"Nonsense! I'm sure there's a nice girl out there for you!" Tomoko replied with glee.

"Or a boy!" Lisa yelled from upstairs.

"Ok first of all shut up Nee-chan!" Rohan yelled back, which resulted in Lisa audible laughter.

"Second of all I doubt I'll find someone, been going on 16 years of being alone." Rohan said hard truth.

"Come on Hanz-chan, I'm sure there's one person you like." Tomoko said with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Nope." Rohan answered immediately.

"Come on at least give it some thought, for you own mother." Tomoko said with a fake but convincing sad voice. She may have been nice, but that didn't mean she couldn't guilt trip.

"Fine, I'll try my hardest to think of someone." Rohan said with a little snark making his way to the door.

"Wait!" Tomoko shouted.

"What?" Rohan asks confused.

"Smooch, A goodbye kiss" Tomoko said after giving Rohan a kiss on the cheek.

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