You Okay, Shorty...?

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Last time on Stop Toying With Me, Gamo-chan!

The seeds have been planted, everyone has been clashing with everyone else.

"I wish you wouldn't trust people so easily..."

"Don't insult the president so much..." 

"Rico, lay off..."

"It's like I'm dealing with children..."

"Are you ashamed of me?


But those are just the seeds from the last part. Let's see the cactus bush right in front of us.

Rohan was currently inside the Public Morals Committee meeting room, with Fūki Iinchō: the current Chief of the Committee, and Sana Sunomiya: The current Art Club President. How did he even get in this situation?


"Can I speak with you?" Fuki-san asked staring at Rohan.

"Or am I interrupting something?" Fuki-san asked as Rohan was still in between Gamo-chan's arms.

Rohan and Gamo both blushed at the girl's accusation. Gamo quickly put her arms back to her side freeing Rohan from his kabedon prison.

"N-No I'm free." Rohan mumbled with a blush.

"Alright, come with me." Fuki-san beckoned Rohan.

Rohan started to follow behind Fuki-san. Gamo started to follow after Rohan but stopped when he turned around and pointed at her telling her to stay. Gamo shook her head and stopped in her tracks as Rohan turned back around and followed after. What he didn't realize was that as soon as he turned the corner, she followed after him.

Gamo followed after them, who knew the girl with such a loud personality could be so quiet? Either way, she was doing a good job with her impression of Solid Snake. She eventually made it to the door of the committee's council room and listened inside.

"I assume you know, why your here." Fuki-san asked.

"Yes, I do." Rohan answered with a heavy sigh.

"Are you admitting that what Sunomiya-san is saying is true?" Fuki-san asked with a flat voice but still a surprised undertone.

"Yes, she is correct..." Rohan said ashamed.

Fuki-san walked over to a shelf and pulled out a file that Rohan recognized.

"You wrote on your report to me and said and I quote "I observed the art room and found no foul play. I theorize that it's baseless rumors." Fuki-san read off Rohan's report of the situation.

"Oh... did I?" Rohan asked with a worried smile.

"Hamasaki-san I don't mean to get personal. I know that you've struggled making friends, but this is still unacceptable!" Fuki-san scolded.

"I know what I did was wrong, but Its the only thing I've done wrong! Many members on the committee have also been caught doing similar things." Rohan argued.

"If this was just a one time thing I would have overlooked it. But not only did you lie to me, you disrespected the art club. And this wasn't just a day or a week affair, this lie lasted for three months!" Fuki-san said angrily.

"I understand your frustration, I wanted to end it to but..." Rohan said but stopped.

"But what?" Fuki-san asked.

The memories flashed in Rohan's mind; hanging out with Naoto, Enrico, and Alexander during lunch, helping teach Yoshi and Sakura various materials, listening to Nagatoro talk about how "gross" Naoto was. But the shiniest memory had to be the times he spend with Gamo. 

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