Good Girl Part 2 (Alberto x Shiba Inu Shapesihifting Reader)

Start from the beginning

Y/n's PoV

I looked back and smiled that he's actually asking me out!

I bet it'll be romantic.

I do hope I won't shift to my form on our first date...that's my biggest worry.

So I went out to the store to get some items, basically food.

I searched through each isle to find what I needed, and checking off.

It's been almost 30 minutes of shopping, didn't feel that long after checking out.

"Ciao! Y/n, did you find anything you needed?" The cashier said cheerfully and scanned each item.

"Si." I said wagging my tail.

He even noticed my smile. "Anything special happening?"

Hmm maybe I should tell him. "Well, I got asked out by a handsome man."

"è magnifico bella! I bet he's very nice."

I nodded and paid for the foods. "He really is." Then grabbed the bags.

"Ciao Y/n!" He waved and I head on out of the store. I saw Guilia riding her bike full of fish.

She turns to see me. "Wanna ride with me sis!?" She asked and I jumped with joy.

I ran towards her, putting the groceries on her little basket, I Immediately shift to a my form.

I love going for a ride! Its relaxing.

I watch Guilia delivery fish and getting paid. Im also feeling a bit worried about her competing with Ercole for the Portorosso Race...the first time she did she puked...and it was horrible...wish I could help her. Im a good swimmer! I could eat tasty pasta. We can be underdogs together!! Heck I hate Ercole too, hate it when he calls me a filthy runt...

I shift back to my human and came closer to her.

"Hey Guilia, I was wondering If I joined your team! I can do either swimming or eat pasta! I won't make a mess of things."

I waited for a respond and she stopped the bike.

"Y/n, I would love that really, but...I already have a team.."


"Yeah...I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't wanna hurt your see...Luca and Alberto are on my team..."

Oh...I see...

"Aww don't worry, maybe if things don't go too well, I'll let you join. Plus the boys would love some support." She winks at me.

"That sounds like fun! Showing support, Ill give them treats! "

"Hah! There not dogs silly."

We laugh through that little joke and continue the deliveries.

After the nice stroll, we made it back to town square.

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