every story has to come to an end

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On February 3, James went into anthoner shock. Doctors would scramble finding out how to save the president's life. James would mumble "easy on me please" this gave doctors hope as James didn't speak for 3 weeks. Barba entered the room crying and prayed for God to save him

On February 5th James could speak more clearly but got worse. He would phoam at the mouth and  uncontrollable shaking doctors panicked at these. The doctors came to a conclusion. James is going to die. A docter went to barba saying "he's getting worse, there's absolutely nothing we can do. Might as well spent his final minutes or days with him" barba wailed so hard it can be heard from outside the white house. Everyone across the nation was talking about it.

On February 8th James saw in a vision the spirits of Washington,Ben Franklin,and Paul. Than Paul gave the news. By the hour 7:00 you won't suffer you will be with the lord. On 7:00 pm in a overcrowded room James closed his eyes for the final time.

Barba went to the body shaking it Junior crying his metal hand on his face. All of James children sobbing. The chief docter conformed James had passed. When it was announced by the docter the nation mourned. A president had been murdered. Soon police hunted down anyone in the conspiracy. Arresting over 140 people. But a president had never died in office. A battle would erupt. People calling a emergency election. While orthers calling that the vice president take over. On February 11th the surpime court ruled that vice president Clay would take over the reigns of power until the next election. So om February 12th Henry Clay at the capital was sworn in. The next day the funeral for James was held and 2 million people attended

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