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On Thanksgiving Junior came back from Oxford. At dinner that night junior talked and talked about his classmates,adventures,and orther stuff. He met Barba to.  James also went to the white house to met with President Madison. Where they chatted and had Tea. Henri came along too and dressed very formally.

In 1811 James proposed a fair salary to all workers of 15$ which was approved. This cuase James poplutay to skyrise. Barba had a duaghter named Martha Washington Hiller. James thought America the Storngest nation on earth but the next 3 years would test that belief.

On June 18, 1812 James read a newspaper and was frozen. President Madison decarled war on Britain. James fell in his coach saying "Not agian" News spread across the nation with everyone talking about the new war. James was angisnt the war. He wanted America to stay netural but the blockade due to the Napoleonic wars was to much to bare. 4 days later Junior asked "Father, with your blessing can I serve my country in the war. I want to lead by nation to victory" James was dumbfounded but he nodded. The next day Junior went and enlisted and was taken to the British Canadian border where the early part of the war was thought.

In 1814 James heard news that DC was burnt to the ground by britan. The white house and capital building dystoryed by the fist of flames. 1 week After the battle of Baltimore Junior came back with a metal hand on his right. James asked nervously "Why do you have a metal hand" "2 years ago me and 14 orther men were walking outside camp when British Troops with some Indians came out of nowhere. A musket went though my hand and into my side. My hand was badly done by that and the doctors had to amputate my arm. They gave me a metal arm and it works just fine!" James was shocked Junior reading his father's face said "I would have my whole body blown up for America"

James soon had a threat angisnt his life. While attended a party in salem,Massachusetts with Mr. Ely a teen came with a small Pistol amed a shot at James and fried 4 times. All 4 missing 3 hitting the wall and one hitting Mr. Ely in the neck. James cradled Mr. Elgs head on his knees Mr. Ely died soon there after. The teen was werstled and said "death to Americans. Hail britan" over and over agian. This shook James to the core. Sharah mourned greatly her loss.

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