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In 1826 James issued the Hiller code in the state ID new york which reformed and reformed. Also he did work improving the life of the poor. James visited the white house with Levi Lincoln jr governor of Massachusetts. They talked and had a serious meeting.

In 1827 accusations of fuard and bribey was made by Ariana and 2 former advisors. James won in court but did not hold any hate. He did mild reforms out of fear but was still beloved. In 1828 he took a vacation in Scotland for 6 weeks and when he retured he did more work for his state.

That same year the election came up and everyone was so sure that James would run they better at bars. James was begged by advisors but in a statement in July he declined to run again. In 1829 he supported Geroge Tibbot, tibbot would win that election. James was positive to leave the governor's mansion.

In 1830 James became president Jackson's secretary of state. James would go to work with Jackson

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