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On new years 1816 James took Barba to Scotland for 11 weeks. They stayed their until they heard news of Junior's engagement. When the returned home they found out Junior was gonna marry a woman named Sharah Dempsey, a Irish catholic girl. But Junior was a protestant and a good one too. This cuased tensions in the Hiller and Dempsey family. Junior married Sharah on March 27, 1817. Around that time James Monroe became the 5th president. James agian, attended the oath ceremony. James also became monre's secretary of defense. James made sure the European powers didn't gain influence in the United States. Junior in 1818 had a son, James Hiller III.

James worte in his Journal

"It seemed like yesterday Junior was frist born. No we welcome a thrid. It as if God gave me a new sense of happenis. Also our country has healded form the English War."

In 1819 James went to st. Petersburg, Russia to meet with Alexander I's court. It was nothing like James had ever seen. The winter palace was in James words "like hevan on earth. It was so gold it was like the golden locs of the angel Gabriel. When the nobles come out they look like they are going down from Mt. Olympus. The food was picked from the butey of the garden of eden. The rivers outside the window looks like they flowed from hevan." Soon a servent yelled "His imperial Majesty, Alexander I" James bowed and the meeting began. Alexander seemed for excited than James. Alexander said "I read all your writings in advance. Your like your idol Dr. Franklin. I read both of your books. I am a fan" James didn't say anything as to not offend the tsar but he nodded repeatedly. After the 5 day stay at the place. He went to a apartment in the heart of st. Petersburg. After 6 weeks he returned home.

1820 was a boring year again. Not much happened for james.

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