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In 1821 junior had a second child, A duaghter named ayiana. James didn't like the name choice for obvious reasons. But James soon wanted to be a polictal leader. In the middle of summer, with permission from Monroe steeped down and ran for governor of NY for the democratic republican party. He won and became governor. In a chilly October moring at the new york state capital James was sworn in as governor. In the cowrd was Tomas Jefferson and John adams,James madsion and 5,000 plus onlookers. After the event and party James was taken to the governor mansion. James didn't like it at frist but grew into it. James throughout his governorship helped refrom and shape the state.

In 1823 James ended racial crimes and rasict laws were ended too. James also helped woman in the state have more freedom. Soon an assassination attempt happebsed. While riding on a horse 17 shots from muskets and pistols came out of nowhere 16 of them missed one hitting James in the thigh. James went back to the mansion sweeting bullets. Soon an team of surgeons removed the bullet. This time is when James became frindey with genral Andrew Jackson.

In 1824 Arianna married Tomas Boylston Adams, son of John adams. They would later have a son named John Paul Adams in the same week junior had a son named Mark Antony Hiller.  That year an election happened with 4 contenders the most important were Andrew Jackson and John Quincy. 

1825 John Quincy won and James would be a kinda "mentor" to Quincy. James also became so popular in new york when the governor re-election happended he ran unopposed.

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