X - Screw The Mall

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We made our way to the food court downstairs, carrying the groceries and other stuff in hand. I was damn well ready to get out of this hell hole. I was really close to bawling on the floor right here and now, but alas, I must maintain my composure.

We reached the food court. Since it was lunch time, it was really crowded. The queues were quite long and it seemed to be full of chatter.

"Which one has the shortest queue?" Hyde asked. Count Nightfell walked around to get a good view of the length of the lines for each counter.

"There's a sandwich shop towards the end. That looks like the shortest. Let's order take out get the hell out of here," he said. We all agreed with no hesitation and walked towards that counter.

We looked at the huge board above the shop which had all the stuff they sold. I quickly decided on one, and so did the rest. We did have to wait for a while for our turn in line, though.

My heart was beating nineteen to the dozen. Time was passing by really fricking slow and plus, it was hella crowded. Earl ordered for all of us because he had the least social awkwardness. If only I was like that, life would be a whole lot easier.  

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and stared at the clock on the lock-screen. Why does time pass so slowly when you have to do something bad?! Ugh.

"Phi, you look really tense. Are you breathing? You look like you're holding your breath," Evel asked, concerned. I took my attention away from the time and then onto myself, only to realize that I was in fact holding my breath. 

I exhaled deeply and said, "Oh. I didn't notice my breath."

He patted my shoulder, "Hey, just a few more minutes. Then we're outta here," he said comfortingly. 

"Right," I said as I gave a small smile that disappeared right after. I looked at the counter. The person seemed to be packing our order, finally. I eyed them until they were done. I know it was really weird of me to do that, but I was too tensed already.

Count Nightfell thanked the guy and picked up the plastic covers with our food. Hyde cheered softly, while the rest of our expressions turned from tensed to eager. I could also feel my chest getting lighter as we slowly began to walk away. We did it!

Finally finally finally! We're leaving! YES! YE-


A random drink landed a few centimeters away from me.

Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Please n-

"Hey look it's Dread Tower freaks!"

Ah fuck it.

Literally the whole food court turned their heads towards us. Yep I am going to die and all of you are invited to my funeral. Any sense of relief or hope I had was gone. Poof. Just like that.

"RUN!" Kyle yelled. We did exactly that. We raced through the crowds to find the exit. People stared at us as we pushed our way through the crowd.

The last time I felt so many eyes on me was during my last battle with Aiger...

We finally exited the mall and jogged towards the bey park nearby. We walked towards the most secluded spot in the park and sat down on the grass. All of us were pretty much fighting for our lives as we gasped for air.

"How the-" Kyle panted, "How the fuck did they recognize us?! I look like a fricking nerd!" He then pointed to me and Hyde, "and you two look like e-girls!"

"Ugh, I have no idea why I ran! I could have literally pretended to not know y'all. I'm literally the least recognizable," Count Nightfell complained, "anyway, eat the sandwiches and then lets scram out of here," he said as he took out his order and then passed the bag to the rest of us.

Misadventures of a Blading Misfit | Phi | Beyblade Burst TurboOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora