VII - He Visited Me!

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I stared at my wardrobe blankly, having absolutely no idea on what I was gonna wear tomorrow to half-ass disguise myself. At the same time I was sweating bullets, thinking of all the ways that tomorrow's attempt to go outside could go wrong.

"Yo Phiii," Hyde called at me, "Look who's here to see you!" he said in a sing-song manner. I raised my brow and opened the door and went towards the living room where Hyde was smirking at me. Right beside him was..wait-

I blinked several times in disbelief.

"Hi," Aiger and I said at the same time and then just stared at each other awkwardly. I looked down at his hands and noticed that he was fidgeting quite a bit. He was also holding a piece of paper that had some writing on it.

"I'll leave you two alone," Hyde said and began to walk out of the living room.

Just as he passed me, he whispered, "Good luck," and then chuckled on his way out.

I nervously walked towards the sofa and gestured for Aiger to sit down. Which he did.

"So, what brings you here, Aiger?" I asked. My voice was barely holding up. I felt like I was going to break down on the spot. I looked at Aiger and I could see the fear in his turquoise hues as well.

"I came hoping to talk to you...well regarding the letter you sent me," He said. gesturing towards the paper in his hand. His voice was quite gloomy and tired. I mean I don't blame him, earlier today he did get humiliated by Arthur.

"Oh okay," I asked. My heart was doing parkour and I could feel my legs shaking and numbing. Does he not want to forgive me? I would rather die than have him not forgive me. People tell us bladers not to get worked up over a sport of spinny tops, but oh it's so much more than that.

Sometimes I regret ever getting into blading. I should have stuck to soccer or something. All I've caused was pain, to think I would find a purpose in life through blading.

Just why did I have to exist? This boy just could have lived happily. Without having to worry about people like me

He hasn't even said anything about the letter yet and I'm already panicking like this.

I officially want to cry again.

Cry, cry, cry. Oh my gosh all I do is cry.

As much as I did not want to, my vision became a little blurry with tears.

"Look, I know I'm a horrible person. I can't ever undo the things I've done and the pain I caused. It's all my fault. I had choices yet I went down this path. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it took me so long to come to my senses. I'm sorry I couldn't handle Phoenix. I'm sorry for..." I cried, "I'm sorry for blading."

Through my blurry vision I could see Aiger had frozen with his mouth agape.

Oh frick, I'm now bawling like some child in front of him. He probably thinks these are fake tears, like how those kids from when I used to go to school did. That's all they think it is! Just because I cry so much doesn't mean it's fake man!

I quickly rubbed my eyes with my sleeves and tried to fix my expression, just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw it was Aiger's hand.

"Hey, don't say that," he said in a gentle voice. For some reason my insides calmed down. I stayed silent.

"I hope you can make a comeback for the better. I mean, past is past, but I hope you'll do better," He said. His voice was so smooth and gentle that my eyes stopped watering. I nodded my head slowly.

"The two of us are probably finding it  really awkward talking to each other face-to-face, so can I have your number instead? I can't bring myself to forget you, and it'll be way less awkward and uncomfy!" He said, rubbing his neck nervously.

My eyes were watery again. Except this time it was from hope rather than miserableness. I nodded my head vigorously and exchanged numbers.

After that, Out of the blue, he asked, "Phi, be honest, are you mad at me for losing to Arthur?"

I could feel my throat dry. I do remember raging earlier today after seeing that battle. I don't want to ruin his day but...

He'd appreciate honesty wouldn't he?

Or do I sugar coat it-

He'd appreciate good vibes too though.

But y'know, if I want a chance to start over - honesty starts now.

"I guess I did get frustrated for a bit. I really thought you'd win, but that happened," I trailed off. He bit his lip, "But I know you'll get stronger than him soon! I know you won't give up. And of course we can't let him go like that, can we? Even if you're not the one to stop him, somebody will. I have hope in the blading community,"

I could see his eyes water. He blinked it back and succeeded. Wow, I need to learn that. 

"Man you've really changed," Aiger chuckled, "How on earth are you saying something so sweet. I'm already feeling less uncomfortable heh."

I could feel heat and discomfort in my cheeks the moment those words came out of his mouth. 

"," I stuttered, smiling awkwardly, "And well about the big personality change -  it's a long story honestly. A story I'll tell you another day."

He smiled and nodded. The look in his eyes were different from how it was when we started talking. Sparkles of hope, rather than the dullness of loss.

"I guess I should get going now, huh?" He said and got up from the sofa. I got up as well and almost tripped on nothing. Damn it.

"Sorry. Just a little nervous talking to you, my legs are shaky," I said.

"Mine too," he chuckled. I walked him to the front door. Just as he was about to leave, he turned around, smiled and waved, "See you soon, Phi."

"See you soon, Aiger," I replied. As he began to walk away, I closed the door and leaned against it. I couldn't help but grin and put my hand to my heart.

There's this odd feeling inside. It feels bright and light and sweet and glittery. Aiger's smile will forever make me happy. It's just so- nice and ugh I can't describe it properly.

I can't believe I got his number man! Maybe he doesn't hate me entirely after all. He smiled at me too! Still can't believe I cried in front him, though. Argh, I'm such a crybaby.

Out of no where the other four dashed into the living room and I nearly screamed.

"Brooo how'd it go?" Kyle asked impatiently.

"It went alright, I guess. We decided to text instead of talk, since we weren't so comfortable with talking to each other face-to-face yet," I said and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

They all squinted at me weirdly, like the squint Hyde gave me the other day! What is wrong with these people?

"Ugh. Anyway, I have to go pick an outfit for tomorrow, bye," I said and walked out of that room as fast as I could.

Idiots idiots idiots idiots why are they eyeing me like that?


A/n: Greetings lovely people! I am so so sorry I disappeared like that. I was stuck in a dilemma on how this chapter was supposed to go since there were so many possibilities in my head. Finally I posted!

Special thanks to my bestie who I'm too lazy to tag for giving me motivation to write and post this faster! I think you know who you are lol. Love you child.

And I apologize if the next chapter takes a while to be posted as well. I'm kinda stuck in there. Will do my best though!

See you soon.

- Solo Hearts

Misadventures of a Blading Misfit | Phi | Beyblade Burst TurboDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora