II - Beloved Brother

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"Phi you've been sleeping for the past sixteen hours! Wake up! Ms Suzuki will be coming soon ya know? It's Tuesday, Phi, get ready already!" Hyde's shrill voice woke me up.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I saw a huge tear stain on my pillow. Looks like I had taken a long nap after being an emotional bitch. I trudged out of my room to the kitchen and sat on the countertop. Hyde was a few feet away from me, flipping pancakes. The sweet smell of breakfast hit my nose and woke me up inside.

"What were you doing in there for so long?" He asked. I just gave out a 'hmm' and then stayed silent. Hyde raised a brow at me. "It's not like you would care," I mumbled and let out a yawn. Hyde sighed and proceeded to finish up the pancakes instead of wasting his time on me. See! even Hyde has his priorities straight! I'm the only one with these kinds of stupid problems...

I took my plate of pancakes and a fork and then began eating them. Hyde took one for himself and began eating as well.

"You know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?" Hyde said. I didn't look up from my plate. My problems are stupid and he's probably going to make fun of them.

"It's nothing, I was just sleeping," I lied. I could tell Hyde didn't believe me but he decided to drop it.

We finished our breakfast in silence and went to the living room, waiting for Ms Suzuki to show up soon. For your information, Ms Suzuki is the teacher my parents hired to homeschool me and my brother

I for one, never like Ms Suzuki. She keeps shaming me for being feminine. Hyde's clearly her favourite. What's stopping her from going full out comparing me and Hyde is his long hair, but Hyde refuses to make his hair short. Hyde refuses to let me do almost anything to my hair by myself either because-

The boy loves hairstyling, and If I cut it off he has less things to style.

I mean I don't mind, he's got skills but I've never admitted it to him before that I think he's very talented in well umm- Hair.

And one of the only things I like about myself is the way I look. I know I'm hot and there's no denying it :)

My train of thoughts were suddenly broken by the sound of the doorbell.

"I got it," Hyde said and went to open the door. None other than Ms Suzuki.

"Good morning boys," she said, stepping in. We all went into the room where she usually takes her lessons. And yes, she teaches us all the subjects.

5 hours with someone like her is a pain.


Lesson went on and on, now we're doing English comprehension.

The passage was about some boy learning to be a "man" from his father. Blah blah blah.

After finishing up the questions, Ms Suzuki decided to grind my gears.

"Well, I feel like this passage shows us how boys must grow up to be manly and strong," she said in that time. That tone. The one when you're trying to secretly imply something.

"And not all weak and glamourous and glittery" she mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I felt my stomach tie up in a knot. I don't know if Hyde heard it, since he was a little further away from me and Ms Suzuki.

I turned away and looked down on the floor. I clutched my stomach squeezed my eyes shut. This was an attempt to not start bawling right there and then.


"Boys can be glittery and glamorous too,"

My head jerked to face Hyde. So he heard it, huh?

"Hyde," She started. Ugh.

"Go on. Explain,"

"You're mistaken. Don't take into your brother's influence," she said trying to sound concerned and soft so that she can manipulate Hyde with softness to shut up.

"Stop this bullshit. Phi is amazing just the way he is and you have absolutely no right to keep shaming him," My brother said sternly.

Suddenly the knot in my stomach unwound. He-

He was-

"This isn't the first time. You've been doing this for who knows how long. I can't believe I didn't step in earlier," He continued. I looked at him with my eyes wide and lips parted.

Ms Suzuki frowned. Her brows were furrowed and her lips were pursed in a thin straight line. I could tell she was fuming.

"Hyde, respect your elde-"

"Respect is earned."

Hyde clenched his teeth and his hair was kinda floating about. He looked really pissed off.

"Hyde sit down," she said coldly, her beady eyes staring right into Hyde's soul.

"Get. Out. Now."

"Hyde," my voice came out as a squeak, "Hyde it's oka-"

"Ms Suzuki, I demand that you get out this instant." Hyde snarled. His eyes danced fire as he waited for Ms Suzuki to respond.

But she didn't say anything, she packed up her stuff and head towards the door.

"You boys will be hearing from your parents,"

"You'll be hearing from our parents too," Hyde said, "Now go away!"

Ms Suzuki went out and slammed the door behind her and left. Hyde took in deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

My brother stood up for me.

Stood up for someone like me?

I was nothing worth of protection.

I walked up to him, but before I could say anything, he said with a smile,

"Well I guess it's time we stop lying to our parents and tell them what a nuisance she is, right?"

"Why did you do that?" I asked. His expression softened.

"Because what she was doing was not right and I wasn't going to let her harm my brother like that. To be honest, I feel so bad that I hadn't stepped in earlier. I just really didn't know how to handle her, I'm sorry-"

"No no it's alright," I said, I could feel a smile tug upon my lips. I could also feel my vision get a little watery.

Ah shoot, here we go again.

I embraced my beloved twin brother tightly. And of course the waterworks were set off.

"Aww Phi, it's alright now, she's gone and we'll make sure she never comes back," He said, hugging me back just as tight. I nodded and sniffled.

"Man you never change. Always the hugger. I honestly missed your hugs and bickering when you were left that day," Hyde reminisced.

"Okay stop being mushy, ew," I chuckled.

"Oi you're the one who hugged me!"

'You made me hug you!"


Hyde rolled his eyes at me. I continued laughing.

This was the best I've felt in ages. Maybe my brother does care to some extent.

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