Chapter 2--A Little Shop

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"So you were forced to become her peon?" Alissa asked the deer sitting beside her as they were watching the Queen fight a strange robot with the head of a duck.

"Yeah...I wish people would listen to me sometimes..." Noelle sighed, looking in the distance rather than at the fight.

The atmosphere stayed silent for a while, the woman not knowing what to respond exactly.

"Uh...sometimes you just gotta set your foot down, you know? Make your voice a little more audible. I can barely hear you right now... " she muttered, making the deer turn toward her.

"B-But I don't want to upset anybody...What if I make Queen sad?" she was curled up.

"Noelle, I'm going to be honest with you. You should try being a little more selfish." Alissa put her helmet down.


"Yes. If the Queen's happiness matters so much to you, why doesn't your own? You can't just let people step on you." the woman looked a tad bit annoyed. Noelle turned away, contemplating.

"M...Maybe you're right..."

"Noelle" a shout interrupted their discussion.

"Sweetie" giant steps were gettiing closer.




The Queen's giant robot stopped in front of them, holding three kids hostage in a hand.

"Oh hi Alissa" Queen added before turning back to Noelle.

They started discussing, but the woman's attention was on the lightners. They fought her right before entering the castle. Well, 'fought' was quite a harsh word. They basically explained why they were here and Alissa decided to let them pass just with a warning.

There was no way she would fight a bunch of kids.

"Psst, hey!" she called out to one of them.

"What?!" the purple one hissed, still struggling to get free.

"Susie, be nice! She let us pass!" the little prince exclaimed in the softest voice possible.

"You brought that Rouxls guy, right?" Alissa continued.

"We didn't bring him, he just came with us." Susie replied first.

"Sound about right." she chuckled to herself. "Anyway, you found him outside the castle, right?"

"Uhh..." both Ralsei and Susie looked over to Kris who motioned toward their destroyed robot. "More like he found us."

"...1% battery..." Queen muttered, capturing Alissa's attention.

"Well, anyway, I'm off to see if Queen needs any help." she said, throwing herself off like a maniac, but at this point no one was surprised.


After Ralsei enlightened everyone why it was such a bad idea to create a new fountain, Alissa dragged herself and the Queen up on the platform again with the help of her whip. They landed gracefully in the middle of everyone.

"Ah, so what were you kids saying? You're leaving already?" she asked curiously.

"Yes, we're leaving right now." Susie seemed embarrassed about something while she dragged Kris away.

"See you!" Ralsei shouted softly after them. "Wait, aren't you going with them, Alissa?"

"Hm? Oh, no. I'm not-"

My Princess (Rouxls Kaard x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt