Chapter 15 - Emotions

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As I had expected, Jaken was more than useless, succumbing to the effects of the spiritual barrier barely a few feet in. He was stumbling about and complaining about feeling sick. It annoyed me, however, I said and did nothing. I continued going further into the barrier despite the slight prickling it cause to my body. It was too soon that I reached the limit, feeling slightly painful sparks all over.

"So, this is as far as I can go," I mumbled to myself, narrowing my eyes as I gazed up at the mountain.

There were only parts of it visible through the thin pockets of the thick sheet of mist. The lack of access frustrated me, but much less than the fact that I could not get a whiff of Hisako's scent. With every day that passed without her by my side, I could only feel more and more restless. I could only think of the heated passion between us for those few moments I had devoured her lips. Her scent still lingered in my nose, rousing intense possessiveness within me.

Yet it seemed that she had slipped away and wouldn't return to my side.

"That filthy half demon," I spat under my breath.

"Mi'Lord, may we leave, I beg you?" moaned Jaken again, heaving as he supported himself with his staff.

There was nothing I could do for now but wait until Naraku decided to reveal himself from behind this barrier. Clenching my jaw, I turned to descend the mountain in the same path I had used to come till here. Jaken stumbled after, recovering bit by bit with the increasing distance from the barrier.

"Lord Sesshomaru, did you find Hisa Nee?" Rin asked as soon as she saw me step out from the trees. I spared her no answer even as I sat down at the base of a tree and gazed again at the mountain.

"Master Jaken," Rin then questioned him.

"Keep quiet, you insufferable child!" Jaken retorted. "Isn't it obvious that we did not find that wench? Honestly, she's been nothing but trouble since she turned up! It would have been better if she hadn't stuck to us like a parasite from the beginning! She's such a bother that-"

"Jaken," I said sharply, thoroughly disliking that he was speaking ill of the woman I planned to make my mate.

There was still the matter of my complete acceptance of choosing a human as my mate just as my father had done – I had loathed him for that for many years, even lost respect for him because of that. However, I could understand him a bit now, more so why it was not unusual for demons to be drawn to humans as against other demons. As much as I respected my mother, there was a lack of connection with her, and I had not seen the same intensity of emotions in Father when he thought or spoke of Iuyasha's mother. There was something oddly tender about humans it seemed, one that most demons did not get the chance to witness or experience.

As fragile or insignificant as I had thought their existence to be, I had begun to think otherwise now in the matter of some humans. Hisako was not fragile or insignificant, though she was tender and had me wishing to only protect her while she stayed wrapped up in my embrace.

Glancing at Jaken, I noticed that he was tense and fearful. Rin appeared a little startled too, and I noticed that in my moment of thought and anger at Jaken for demeaning Hisako, I had summoned more strength than necessary. My demonic aura was emanating from my body, surrounding me and alerting all the demons in the vicinity of me. It was a way of warning other demons to stay out of my way. It was a signal that I nearly never sent out, for even the bare minimum level of my power had demons cowering in my presence.

I looked away from them as I calmed, allowing my demonic aura to settle. Yet again, I recalled how Hisako's presence had always roused a sense of calmness in me. Frustration quelled upon seeing her, no matter what had bothered me and had me wishing to slaughter irritating humans and demons.

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