16 (final)

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Third person POV (TW death and mention of death) also play when I say so :) also the song is called 'are you ready?' Aka the 'FRIENDS FROM THE OTHER SIDE REPRISE'

As George start hopping fast as he can but gets stopped by a shadow in front of him "BACK OFF, I'm gonna break this thing into a million pieces!" George yells

When Quackity realizes what George said as he gets his blue powdered and blows the powder on the brunet which made him turns back to a human

As George noticed he is at his Dream restaurant  as he hears ukulele playing and sees man facing backwards "Dream?" George asked

As the man turns around as George sighs and hears  "Now, isn't this a whole lot better than hopping around the bayou for the rest of your life?" Quackity smirks as he takes a drink of Champagne

"Duck man" George mumbles as the raven chuckles while he was playing with his cards "got to hand it to you, George when you dream, you dream big just look at this place" Quackity grins

"Going to be the crown jewel of the Brighton city and all you got to do to make this a reality is hand over that little old duckman of mine" the raven smirks

As the brunet looks at the duck necklace "no, this is not right" George muttered "come on, Georgie think of everything you've sacrificed" the raven mutters as he throw blue powder

As George hear voices 'boy, all you ever do is work' 'I told y'all he wouldn't come' "think of all those naysayers who doubted you" Quackity says

'You ain't never going to get enough for the down payment' 'little man of your background you're better off where you're at'

"And don't forget your poor daddy" the raven sighs as the brunet walks towards the window "now that was one hard working man" Quackity explains

As George hears "see you in the morning Skeppy" a man says "double sometime triple shifts" the raven explains

"Never letting on how bone tired and beat down he really was" Quackity sighs

'Daddy' young George says 'hey Gogy' Skeppy says "shame all that hard work didn't amount to much more than a busted up old chowder pot and a dream that never got off the back porch" Quackity huffs

"But you-you can give your poor daddy everything he ever wanted, come on George your almost there" Quackity whispered

"My daddy never did get what he wanted but he had what he needed he had love,he never lost son what was really important" the brunet shouts

"Easy with that careful" Quackity stutters as he walks backward "and neither will I-" George shouts as he throws the necklace but get catches by a shadow

As the shadow hands over the duck necklace to Quackity as the raven chuckles and turns George back to frog

"Y'all should have taken my deal-" Quackity says as he puts his staff on top of George's chest "now you're gonna spend the rest of your life being a slimy little frog" the raven smirks

"I got news for you duck man,it's not slime it's mucus!" George shouts as he sticks out his tongue and grabs the necklace as the brunet breaks it

Play now :)

"No-no how am I ever gonna payback my debt?!" Quackity stutters as Quackity turns around and see the stones turning to his friends from the other side

"Friends?!" Quackity fake grins "ARE YOU READY?!" They asked "no-I'm not ready at all in fact I got more plans-" the raven stutters

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