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Third person POV also play the song 'When we're human' from Princess and the frog when I say so :)

"Uh-huh it been a real pleasure meeting you Sapnap and-and thank you kindly for not eating us but we best be on our way" George stutters before started padding again

"Where are  y'all going?" Sapnap asked "to find somebody  to break this spell" the brunet  sighs "what spell?" Sapnap ask "brace yourself my scaly friend we are not frogs we are  human" Dream grins

As Sapnap looks shocked before he starts laughing which caused him to fall on the floor "y'all serious?" Sapnap wonders "I am Dream The Prince of Splenial and he is George the waitress...do not kiss him" Dream smirks as he whispers which the brunet clearly heard

"Now! Just a second this goon,here got himself turned into a frog by a voodoo duck man and now-" George says as he gets cut off  "VOODOO?! Like the khan Mama Puffy do?" Sapnap asked

"Mama Puffy..?" Dream questioned "mama Puffy, she the voodoo queen of the bayou, she got magic and spells all kind of voodoo" Sapnap says in a spooky way sfill being scared

"Could you take us to her?" Dream and George said in sync (in sync bb😏👌🏼.      Okay I will stop😭)  as Sapnap gasped "through the deepest darkest part of the bayou facing razor sharp pricker bushes and trappers and hunters with guns...no" Sapnap yells as he lays down and plays with his trumpet again in peace

As George sighs as he shrugs "watch and learn  as Dream walks to the crocodile "Sapnap ah this too bad, we cannot help you with your dream,if only you were smaller less toothy,you can play jazz to adoring crowds without scary them" Dream says as Sapnap eyes widen open

"Anyway enjoy your loneliness my friend, habinaz" Dream smirks  "cute but it not gonna-" George sighs before getting cut off

"Hey guys, I-I just got me a crazy idea, what if I told mama puffy to turn me human!" Sapnap grins "Sapnap, your a genius" Dream grins

As Sapnap screams as he jumps in the river as sapnap swims around with George and Dream on his stomach and playing with his trumpet

PLAY NOW pretend its Brughton

"If I were a human being
I'd head straight for Brighton
And I'd blow this horn so hard and strong
Like no one they've ever seen"

"You've heard of Sapnap Armstrong
Mr Sidney Bechet"

"All the boys gonna step aside
When they hear this old ex-gator play"

"Listen!" Sapnap starts playing his trumpet

"When I'm human As I hope to be
I'm gonna blow this horn till the cows come home And everyone's gonna bow down to me
Thank you! Thank you! Aw, thank you! I love you too, baby!"

"When I'm myself again I want just the life I had A great big party every night That doesn't sound too bad A redhead on my left arm A brunette on my right A blonde or two to hold a candle"

"Doesn't that seem just about right Eh, Sapnap?
Life is short When you're done, you're done
We're on this Earth to have some fun
And that's the way things are When I'm human And I'm gonna be
I'm gonna tear it up like I did before
That's a royal guarantee" Dream sang

As Sapnap plays his trumpet again

"Your modesty becomes you
And your sense of responsibility
I worked hard for everything I got
And that's the way it's supposed to be
When I'm a human being
At least I'll act like one"

"If you do your best each and every day
Good things are sure to come your way
What you give is what you get
My daddy said that and I'll never forget
And I recommend it to you" George sang

"When we're human
And we're gonna be I'm gonna blow my horn"

"I'm gonna live the high life" Dream grins " I'm gonna do my best to take my place in the sun" George stares at the blond

"When were human" they vocal

Meanwhile  btw it's still third person POV

"Oh prince Dream dear, I am positively mortified you had to endure that frog fiasco last night" Karl grumbles "well when you're next  in line for this throne,you're poised like a panther ready to expect the unexpected" Dream (Techno) growls

As Karl and Dream (Techno) growl till techno's ear shows  "your ear?" The brunet ask in confusion "who?" Techno ask as he goes under the table to check the duck necklace that was slowly dying down

Which made Techno chuckle nervously"there's pesky mosquitoes" the pink haired fake laughs "everywhere" as Techno pulls Karl "Karl I can no longer ignore the throbbing of my heart even though our time together has been brief, it's been heavenly" Techno grins "sheesh price Dream you been-" Karl grins as he gets cut off

As Techno cover his face with Karl's suit "becoming prince of The Kingdom of Splenial" the pink haird muffles as Karl pushes Dream (techno) out at the way to realized what he said

"Are you serious?!" Karl asks as techno out his suit to cover his mouth "that's the plague" techno sighs "YES! Oh I most definitely will marry you..oh there's so much to plan,I'm in guest list arrest music the flowers cheers! We gonna have a something (I have no clue what Charlotte  said in this part so I just something) wedding" Karl squeals

As Techno sighs then he sees a shadow on the table and turns around to his right as he gets pulled by the necklace "NO!" Quackity grumbles

"What do we do now?" The pink haired questioned "because someone let our froggy prince go Techno, I'm reduced to asking help from my friends on the other side" Quackity mumbles

1,004 words

Posted: October 25th 2021
Edited: December 25th 2022

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