Haunted House(RatedM)

Start from the beginning

"This was Celine's doing, no doubt." Elizabeth's eyes narrowed on the, now calmer, child still in her fathers arms. "You look at me," Elizabeth's usually gentle hand reached out to grasp the chin of her ornery daughter. Ciel turned his shoulder away from his wife and placed himself between them. "That's enough, Cordelia, take Viktor inside." He knew how angry his wife could get, but she'd never hurt their children before- not that he thought she was going to, he just didn't want Celine to be scared anymore.

Despite how badly she wanted to bust Celine's bottom, she wouldn't try her husband and he knew that. He peered down at his wife through red eyes, a gaze that sent vibrations down her spine straight to her- Elizabeth shook her head and cleared her throat. Now was not the time for that.


Elizabeth tucked both children in bed before heading upstairs toward their bedroom. She hadn't spoken to her husband since he found their children, which she was more than grateful for. She was emotionally exhausted and ready to just toss on a sleeper and pass out on the large four-poster bed that awaited her. Elizabeth wanted to be angry with her daughter, because she knew she had talked little Viktor into sneaking off the property to see that house, but she was honestly just happy to have them home where she could physically touch them or watch them while they sleep.

She opened the door to the master bedroom and, to her surprise, Ciel was actually halfway dressed for bed. He was usually in the office half of the night, very rarely did he get to join her at a normal hour. "Sebastian allowed you to leave the office?" She teased lightly and earned a "Pft" in return.

"Only because he couldn't tolerate me for any longer this evening."

Elizabeth nodded in understanding, finding it difficult to tolerate her husband at times as well. "I'm happy to have you, nonetheless." She approached her large wooden antique armoire and raided the drawers for a comfortable gown. Ciel seemed confused as he pulled a thin shirt over his head, "Did you dismiss your handmaid?"

"I did." She answered as she pulled one of her favorite silk gowns from the deepest part of the overstuffed drawer. Ciel arched his brow as he tugged at the hem of his shirt until his lower abdomen was covered. "Well.. I didn't see the need for one. I felt like I should be the one taking care of myself and the children.." Her husband didn't particularly respond, he glanced at her as if acknowledging her answer while he pulled the blankets back on the bed. "What? Why do you look surprised?" She poked him for a verbal response because she didn't really like it when he was quiet.

"I am, a little. You've had a handmaid your entire life, Cordelia. You've never had to lift a finger before, you're spoiled."

"Excuse- PARDON?" Her brows furrowed and her lips were left parted just slightly. "You're one to talk! You've been Lord Phantomhive since you were a baby!"

The look on her husbands face told her he had gotten exactly what he wanted from her. She rolled her eyes and released an exaggerated sigh before changing into her gown, determined to ignore everything else he had to say for the night. That was easier said than done.

Once the lights were out and she curled up next to Ciel, he opened his mouth once more. "Did you fire the nursemaid as well?" The hint of sarcasm was heavy in his voice.

"Go back to your office, I don't know why Sebastian thought it a good idea to send you to me."

"'I'm just curious as to who was supposed to be watching my daughter today while you were off performing all the duties you handmaid was responsible for."

Elizabeth shot up from her laying position and glared down at her husband who remained on his back next to her with his hands behind his head. "So it's my fault that your daughter manipulated my baby boy into going to that dilapidated nightmare down the way, than? Is that what you're getting at?"

"That's not what I said."

"O-oooohhh~ but it is what you were trying to say. I'm not dense, Ciel!" Elizabeth ripped the blankets off of her body and started to, dramatically, roll off the bed when he grabbed her and pulled her back to him effortlessly. "Get off me before I cave your eyeballs in." She was angry, and he thrived on her anger. Even when I cost him a few bruises.

Ciel pinned her on her back with her arms on the mattress above her head. "Cordelia, I wasn't blaming you for it. Children are curious- you remember we were the same way. We begged Sebastian to take us just to watch it burn down- and whose idea was that? Do you remember?"

"We weren't as young as they were and we weren't by ourselves."  She answered him with a snarky tone, "And you were insinuating it was my fault."

"All I was saying was that you cannot take care of this house, yourself, and the children all by yourself. That's why I have you a handmaid and a nursemaid, darling, I don't expect you to manage all of that. I know Celine is a handful, but she's just like you- don't try to deny it."

Elizabeth puffed her cheeks out in annoyance. She hated when he was right about things. "Well I still don't appreciate your comment."

Ciel grinned and pressed a knee down on the mattress between her legs. "I'll make it up to you. Let's work on that third baby I've heard you harp about so much."  Elizabeth blushed and turned her face away from him. "You're ridiculous.."  Warm lips caressed the skin just over her jugular vein. Her heart was pounding so heavily he could feel it through her wrists, which he had pinned with his palms. He kissed across her neck and down until he found her clavicles. He loved leaving marks across her collarbones, that was his favorite but he knew she didn't approve of it, which made the urge to do so even stronger. She would moan and whine in protest, as she was doing now, when she felt him suck and tear at the delicate skin just a over her collar. She bruised so easily, she reminded him of a porcelain doll.

"Ciel.." He could tell by the reddening of her chest and cheeks that she wouldn't be able to resist him for much longer. His long tongue found a clothed nipple and gave it an appreciative lick through the silk of her gown.

"I'm going to ruin you, Lizzy." He growled out her childhood nickname as if it were a threat. His knee pressed against her clothed slit as his lips found hers, solely to muffle her moans. He gently, rubbed -teased her with his knee until his pants were completely soaked. His lips parted with hers long enough for him to pull his shirt over his head and discard it somewhere across the room. She took advantage of the momentary release of her wrists and her hands found their way around his neck. 


"Daddy.." Ciel stopped in his tracks and pulled himself off his wife. He practically jumped off of the bed at the sound of the small whimper just outside the bedroom door. Thankfully Elizabeth still had her gown on because he wasted no time opening the bedroom door and looking down at his son.

Viktor very rarely called for his father, he was usually completely immersed in the protection of his mother.  "Daddy I'm scared.." Ciel took advantage of the situation entirely. He scooped him up and held him against his chest, his little feet dangled just above his fathers waist line.  Elizabeth pulled herself from the bed and slipped into a housecoat before walking over, obviously worried.

"What's got you so worked up, love?" Ciel kissed the side of his head as he questioned him.

"I had a dream about the house.." Elizabeth reached out for him, but to her surprise he wasn't moving from his father's grasp. Instead, she pulled the blankets from the bed and replaced the sheets- choosing not to die of embarrassment if her child were to notice the wet spot in the center of it.   Ciel paced the bedroom with Viktor  as she did so.

"Can I sleep with you, daddy?"

"Absolutely, you can.." Ciel motioned for Elizabeth to go ahead and get changed in preparation for the intruding child.  In her absence he was absolutely eating this up. Viktor was always about his mummy, he never asked to be held or carried by his father. Ciel was delighted.  He kissed his cheeks and his head and rubbed his back until he fell sleep in his arms.  When Elizabeth returned wearing a fresh nightgown she took Viktor from Ciel long enough for him to change as well  before joining them in the bed. He recaptured his son and laid him on his chest, leaving Elizabeth there with nothing and looking confused. "He never does this.." She whispered and Ciel just shrugged. He held up one finger and nodded as he mouthed the words, "Just one more. Please?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes and turned her back to him before turning the bedside lamp off.

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