Welcome to New York

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"I'm excited, Lexy," Jack says, kissing him gently.

"I'm excited to meet your sister babe," Alex said, holding his boyfriend's hand.

"If you want I can drop our stuff off in the hotel room and you can wait here," Alex shrugs.

Jack nods, and Alex smiles and does that and then drives to May's apartment. Jack was really happy, he hadn't seen her in a month and he missed her. He was nervous about her finding out about what their parents did to him, but he doubted it would happen. She was a really good cook too, so he was excited to have food. He took Alex's hand and took him to the apartment door, and he knocked on the door. May opened it, and smiled and hugged Jack and he was so happy to see her.

"I missed you," He smiled.

"I missed you too Jack, introduce me to your boyfriend," she laughed.

Jack smiled and wrapped his arm around Alex's waist, "May this is Alex."

"Hi, May nice to meet you," Alex said, shaking her hand.

"You're so much more polite than Jack," May laughed as she hugged Alex.

"He's my Jack," Alex laughed, kissing Jack's cheek.

Jack blushes when Alex kisses him, and May smiles at the boys. They went inside her apartment, and they sat down at the table since May had already made dinner. Jack and Alex were starving after a long day of traveling, so they ate it pretty quickly.

"I'm so glad you came up to visit Jack, I was thinking of taking you and Alex to a museum tomorrow and maybe spending the day in Central Park," May smiled.

"Yeah that would be nice, and I wanted to
take Lex to that one really good pizza place he hasn't been to New York before. Maybe we can stop in Times Square too?" Jack asked.

"Yeah of course whatever you guys want to do," She smiles at Jack.

"Thanks, May," Jack said.

"How are things with Mom and Dad Jacky?" May asked him.

Jack gulped, and he looked at Alex nervously and his boyfriend knew how anxious they made him. "Everything is fine."

"You sure? I've never had you text me so suddenly to come up before," May said with a slightly worried tone in her voice. "I'm always here for you Jack, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know, thanks May," He smiled.

She nodded and hugged him and Jack looked at Alex with tear-filled eyes. Jack hated lying to his sister, he knew how much she loved and looked out for him but he didn't want to get her involved. He pulled away, and excused himself from the table, and headed to the bathroom. Jack needed to pull himself together, he couldn't hurt her. He closed the door and looked at his reflection in the mirror. What happened to you? You look like a walking mess. You would be better if Alex or May didn't have to deal with you. You are worthless. No one wants you. Jack pressed his hands to his ears, the voices haunted him. Whenever they came back, he knew something was going to happen. He knew they were his thoughts or at least the intrusive ones that were always echoing in his head. But when they made themselves present, Jack got scared. They usually only did in a moment of panic, and right now is one. He felt as if he always hurt everyone around him, he didn't want to hurt his sister or Alex. Especially Alex. He splashed some water on his face and went out in five minutes. Alex and May were sitting on the couch when he came out, and he smiled a little and sat down next to Alex.

"Hey," Alex smiled as he put one arm around his boyfriend. He noticed something was off about him, he thought maybe he needed to go back to the hotel.

I Need You To Feel AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora