We Should Get Away

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TW: Mentions of Abuse
Alex took care of Jack after their bath, and he helped him take care of himself a little bit. He helped him eat dinner, and drink something besides coffee or energy drinks. He was worried about him, he knew he had only been with Jack for about a week but it felt like months already. Alex knows Jack really must have trusted him to let Alex get this close to him. Alex felt he had to let Rian and Zack know what was going on, he had to keep his boyfriend out of that house as much as he could. He let Jack lay his head on his lap on the couch downstairs, as they both watched the Simpsons. Jack had a thing for funny cartoons like that, Alex thought it was adorable and it made him laugh, and sometimes Jack needed that.

Alex- Hey guys, I'm really worried about Jack and he has a lot going on right now. Can you guys help me out with something?

Rian- Yeah, of course, I know he's been distant lately and that usually means somethings going on with his parents. Is he okay?

Zack- Sure whatever he needs, he can barely like focus in school anymore so I had a feeling his anxiety was getting worse

Alex- Well uh there is no easy way to say this but his dad is hurting him. His parents just found out he was gay, and his mom was fine with it but his dad hurt him again. I had to drive to his house and he was all bruised and his dad even cut him. I had to clean him and everything, last time was bad but not this bad.

Zack- Oh god is dad is such a fucking asshole this happened before and it took a while for Jack to tell us he just kept lying.

Rian- Can we come over now, Alex? I think it would be better to talk about it in person so he doesn't flip out.

Alex- Yeah that works thank you

"Lexy, what were you doing?" Jack asked him as he looked up at Alex from his lap.

"I was just talking to Ri and Zack. They will be coming over soon okay?" Alex said.

"I told them about what's going on with your dad and they are gonna try to help me to keep you out of your house when he's there," Alex said, stroking Jack's hair expecting him to yell or scream at him.

Jack started to cry, and he got up off of Alex's lap and hugged him. "Thank you, Lexy."

"Yeah baby, I'll try my best to keep you safe," Alex said, rubbing his back.

Jack nods and sits on Alex hugging him until Zack and Rian come over. Alex got up to get the door, and he welcomed them in and stuff. Jack was mentally absent, he has spaced out again until Alex sat down and let Jack sit on his lap. Zack and Rian were worried about Jack, he never got this bad or scared of his house. But they both wanted to help him just as much as Alex did.

"Jack we are so sorry we will help you okay? We will keep you safe," Rian said, calming him down by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah JB, we will help you we promise," Zack smiles.

Jack looked at Alex, and Alex smiled at him. "Thank you," Jack muttered.

"Baby, you don't need to thank us, we care about you okay?" Alex smiled as he ran his fingers through Jack's hair.

Jack started to cry again on Alex, and he buried his face in his chest. Alex stroked his hair and rubbed his back, and put a blanket over him. Rian and Zack felt bad for him, but they were glad he had Alex.

"So when does your dad work Jack?" Rian asked him.

"H...He works Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays," Jack said as he played with Alex's fingers.

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