Chapter 73 (Battle)

Start from the beginning

"Then, you continue first," the emperor said coldly

The crown prince is happy that he is allowed to show off

"I also have army surrounding and just outside the palace wall, they are all waiting for my order and I suggest that in order not to have bloodshed, everyone just comply and hand over the throne to me" the crown prince now stand in front of the emperor and kind of gesture him to give up his throne.

The emperor stands up and then he asks Zhan Yuan

"During your twenty-six years of life, have I mistreated you?" the emperor asks coldly.

The crown prince thought that the emperor is seeking leniency not to be beheaded and so he answered very proudly

"No, you did treat me well, but you treat Zhan Xian and Zhan Ang better than me, even that silly girl Ming Ming who is not your daughter but just your niece, you treat her better. I am already twenty-six years old and you still haven't handed over the throne to me, I think you wanted to hand it over to your favourite son and so I better rebel first" the crown prince states all his suffocating facts to the emperor.

The emperor then turns to his son very angrily

"You should focus on yourself and not on others, focus on how to be a good man and not coveting on other's wife and love. I did not ill-treat you even though you and your brother are not my children" the emperor decided to reveal the truth.

Zhan Yuan and Zhan Tong shake all over when they heard the truth.

"How can it be...." a combined voice from the two brothers

At this moment, all the court officials and also foreign delegates are shocked by their bellies. Is this a Wuxia novel that they read in "Wattpad", it is so dramatic that the son wants to kill the father for the throne. A lot of whispering could be heard

"Deceitful son"

"Gosh!!!! Killing the father, the greatest sin on earth"

"Will be greatly punished by the heaven"

The crown prince and the second prince turns to the empress with their red eyes and shocking expression, even Zhan Xian and Zhan Ang together with Ming Ming are shocked to their bones as well.

The empress still wants to holds her dignity and yells on top of her voice

"Y-You liar...." the empress shouted at the emperor.

The Emperor looks at the empress disgustingly

"You are four years older than me, I married you at the age of eighteen. I was young and we only have done once during our wedding night" the emperor then continue

"Oh....that was the worst night I ever had, then you continue to feel unwell, thankfully and later found pregnant, when your child was born, the old physician Yen is an old and loyal man to my father and he told my father and me that the child is of full moon, we only married for six months and you have a fully born child of nine months, even an idiot can do the maths" the emperor dish out all the dirt of the empress till she has no face to hide.

Although in the ancient Chinese tradition family, they do not wash their dirty laundry in the public, however, the emperor is not bothered about this at all now. He couldn't wait to tell everyone about the evil deeds of the empress.

"Oh yes, as for Zhan Tong, I never sleep with you, why would I disgust myself. However, you got pregnant and the old physician Yen told me. I pretended to make you drunk and you assumed that we did it but how could I, I mostly wanted to vomit looking at you" the emperor couldn't wait to embarrass her in front of the nation with all the court officials, anyone would embarrassed to death.

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