"You heard me"

"But I wasn't even talking to you"

"Well I'm talking to you right now"

"Get her girl!"

"What makes you think you understand Naruto at all. You know nothing about him. That 'loneliness' you talk about, what do you even understand about that. Well let me tell you something, it's a lot worse than being scolded by your parents. It's not having anyone to greet you when you wake up or come home. It's not having anyone to laugh with or talk to. It's not having anyone to care about you or what you're doing. It's being all by yourself in a crowded place where you see kids having fun with their parents and the jealousy you feel only thinking why can't I have that or why can't I still have that. Yeah sure Naruto is an idiot and he gets on people's nerves but even after being alone for so long, he has the biggest heart I have ever seen in a person. You're just a spoiled brat who thinks she can get whatever she wants. You know I was pretty upset with the fact that Naruto was on my team because that idiot is sure to get me killed, but, I hate being on a team with you even more."

I walked up to her closer and looked her straight in the eyes.

"You disgust me"

And with that, I purposely bumped into her shoulder and walked away leaving them both behind.

"Damn girl I said drag her not throw her off a cliff"

"Oh please, if there was a cliff near I actually would. She deserved every word I told her and so much more"

"Hey Aiya-chan, what are you doing here," I hear Naruto say running towards me.

"Well if you didn't notice, lunch break is almost over," I say pointing towards the clock on the wall.

"Oh no, I'm going to miss my chance with Sakura-chan," he says and takes off running.

"Poor thing, out of all people he chose to like, it had to be Sakura"

"Yeah, I want him and Hinata to end up together, anyone could notice the big crush she has on him"

"I wonder what she sees in him, the human heart works in a mysterious way"

"You know, beneath the ugly clothes he wears, he's actually pretty cute"

"Whatever, I should go back to the class now since I have nothing else to do"

As soon as I reach the classroom, I walk towards the desk near the window. I put my head down on the desk and I was about to fall asleep when more kids started to walk in. I sighed as I put my head up and stared into oblivion. I didn't notice when someone came and sat right next to me until Hayami told me.

"Don't look now but the cute duckbutt is sitting next to you"

I turned to look at the boy but I was surprised to see he was looking right back at me.

"Can I help you or something," I asked confused.

"I want to ask you a question"

"Ok what is it"

"Do you have parents"

"I did, is that all"


"Yes, did," I say turning towards the window again.

And just like that, I spaced out again.


We all waited patiently for our jounin leader to come. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours.

"There's only one person I know that can be this late"

Couldn't be me (Sasuke Love Story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz